Every stealthed shtr read this


Every Stealthed shitr griefing and ruining bgs since 2005 leeching HKS pls read this. Even tho stealthed shitters have been massively buffed every expansion it still applies.



Ill be adding a huge guide soon(TM) where we analyze every aspect of the stealthd shitter from my point of view but thats later.

If you want to kill bads and feel good about yourself aferwards as a stealthed shtr. Please fucking go wpvp and kill grey level shitters. TY men
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triggered lol
We already know rogues / druids are 99% dogshit, especially in twink brackets. Thanks for the refresher though
Imho, this is literally the second most important thread on this website right after the Tink Cup thread. Idk why it isnt sticked yet for every stealthed shitter to read and gain knowledge. ESPECIALLY of the EU variety.

The amount of stealthed shitters that throw games even at lvl 19 occasionally make 29s look like gods.

According to blizzard's infographic thingy released in 2014 http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/12346804/world-of-warcraft-azeroth-by-the-numbers-1-28-2014 670k PvP battles happen daily. Six to a minimum of 3 stealthed shitters are present in each bg. And here's some simple 1st grade math.
As I speak approximately 260,000-300,000 stealthed shitters throw games daily( that will be discussed in a guide). Now imagine how many games have been lost bcuz of these stealthed selfish cucks since 2005?
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Many seem to think that im upset and what I mean by that stealthed shitters ''griefing bgs'' is by being geared and 1 shotting leveling scrubs and that im upset that i somehow got 1 shot or ''camped'' by a stealthed shitter. No. The day a stealthed shitter ever camps me is the day i will uninstall and /slit.


What pisses me off is this type of mentality( aka 99% of stealthed shitters). Never assisting , only fighting low hp scrubs and just sitting in their own stealthed shitter world. Thats what ''griefing bgs'' truly means.

PS fear my paint skillz
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I know you are probably aiming this thread towards lower Rogues. Just 2 days ago I was bging on my 91 twink rogue. I took a beating from a 91 twink hunter in Horde Flag room in a failed attempt to 1v1 him. I decided to MLG blind him and pick up the flag nonetheless as a last resort effort. At this point I had 3.4% health. I Burst of Speed spammed my way across mid alone, and got the cap, winning the game.

Stop generalizing.
I know you are probably aiming this thread towards lower Rogues. Just 2 days ago I was bging on my 91 tink rogue. I took a beating from a 91 tink hunter in Horde Flag room in a failed attempt to 1v1 him. I decided to MLG blind him and pick up the flag nonetheless as a last resort effort. At this point I had 3.4% health. I Burst of Speed spammed my way across mid alone, and got the cap, winning the game.

Stop generalizing.
I think you missed his point
Though I disagree with the overall tone of the thread. I agree with the message. And as sponsor said it isn't everyone and it's important we all remember that. However it is a problem, and those who players who cause it should have information more readily available to them as to how to improve as players and stop using their stealth as a crutch to make sure they only end up in fights they already know they will win.
You must be desperate for attention if you responded that fast! Lol! Mommy don't give you enough potatoes? EU swine go eat your slop.

Really fast indeed, you're the one responding after 2 minutes :Kappa:
Nah but sorry I forgot who you were :)
Or I just never knew who you were, the random '''NOOB'' from xpoff.com as people call it ''trialshit'' :)
Do not think I forgot about this Im still working on my main stealthed shitters (and flaggers) guide

Now that I got 2 weeks of free time I can add some finishing touches to my main stealthed shitters post(which will be posted soon)



Here we see a typical Stealtheus Shittereus ( pretending its a fucking uh.... idk? assassin RP type thing with that fucking vision of sargeas, again typically every stealthed shitter out there is weird AF )

Also unfortunately I lost many of my Nostalrius stealthed shitter screenshots when I reset my PC so the guide wont be as epic
I know you are probably aiming this thread towards lower Rogues. Just 2 days ago I was bging on my 91 tink rogue. I took a beating from a 91 tink hunter in Horde Flag room in a failed attempt to 1v1 him. I decided to MLG blind him and pick up the flag nonetheless as a last resort effort. At this point I had 3.4% health. I Burst of Speed spammed my way across mid alone, and got the cap, winning the game.

Stop generalizing.

Are you trying to make a point? He directed this thread at people who stay in stealth.

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