
Hi guys. With Vets preparing their twinks and 70s scaled down to the 20-29 bracket, we do have a pretty active group of people in the xp locked bracket atm.

Most should have noticed by now, the random q is as bugged as it always has been for low populated brackets and only pops Seething Shore like 90% of the time, after 1-2 hours q and is always half empty with no one getting a pop to fill up no matter if he q´s for specific or random bg while the bg is running. System is fucked and the matchmaking completely dead for a low population bracket.

Seeing the numbers of online and q´ing players and the fact that we even get this random q to pop at 10am on a wednesday, I am almost certain that if everyone would start qing up for WSG specific, we would get more consistent and faster pops with full bgs!

So I strongly encourage everyone to only q wsg specific from now on. No one needs bg crates anways. Get in that q as soon as you log in. We can have some fun games! Spread the word and the love. Ty!

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