EU-Realms for F2P-PVP


Dear community

Me and my friend want to play some F2P-PVP after taking a long break from WoW. We are looking for EU realms with an active F2P PVP Community and maybe even some opportunity to play Arena together. I hope you can recommend a server. Our preferred language is German by the way. We would like to play on the Alliance side, but the choice of faction is not so important.

Thanks in advance

For EU I recommend playing on Twisting Nether (click on the link for more info) for Alliance.

We've got quite a strong number of f2p's here. And we all love PvP. We usually create groups for premades and even occasionally play War Games (arenas). In terms of World PvP, much of it is Free-for-all's in Gurubashi.

The "official" language here is english. Meaning, most people here speak english on the f2p chat channel (click on the link for the addon)! There are a few designated servers for people that speak German but I'm not sure which has the most f2p's or if any even has a good amount of them...

If you ever decide to make a Horde character, then Aggramar is the place to go. Both have excellent communities with some great f2p's. I'm only mentioning it in case you ever decide to play Horde!
Thank you for your helpful and kind post. Maybe we'll see us soon.
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I dont know if you are aware of faction queue times, but Alliances is longer than Hordes.
This wont be a problem for solo queuing if you dont mind to wait, but if there isnt any p2p online to group you, and you try to synch queue with your friend, it will be a lot easier as horde since the queue times are much more short.

Medium populated, we do premades and war games, alliance haves the best community and we dont have horde taking over alliance cities, we just now are trying to make all trials know about F2P Chat Channel. but we all are friendly we normally speak english but we have a couple germans trials in magtheridon.

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Something u wanna consider when making your choice ill typ in english if u dont understand pm me

1. i speak a bit deutsh i can not write it good but my dad is from germany so
2.i pay for wow to purely help the community and will keep doing this (i made a dk on our server to make groups and to summon people to places aswell to capture halaa (for stamina drink) en to boost people every now and then for gear) online everyday so its easy to contact me

a little addition is that i dont play f2p very long (i quited 19s and moved to f2p because of personal reasons) but ive gotten a warm welcome and im really happy that i joined aggramar horde i love the people there

so dont hessitate to make a character on aggramar horde and whisper me on vnuz/mooatyou

ps:make sure you installed the f2p addon so i can contact u and u can contact me :)

thats all sorry for wall of text and whatever your choice is good luck and have fun !!

greetings vnuz !

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