EU New Horde 39TwinkGuild.


Hello, ive been thinking a bit and decided to make a try to do a decent 39twink guild.

Right now, we only got 3 twinks, If intrested, throw me a PM on the forum with your Real ID.

Time for the horde to step up, lets Revive this Bracket once again. :oops:

/Shockín @ Aggramar
This is good, to start a guild and recruit people to play 39. Althought I must admit, it would be better if we tried to gather all players on one server. To continue the war games and our events. I would highly recommend that you three guys come and join us on Draenor as Horde :). But as it seems you don't want to migrate which I don't have a problem with.

Anyways, I wish your guild luck and hope that it grow large and strong.
Playroom said:
These guys are on Aggramar while the rest of 39s are on Draenor. He's not splitting the hordes, rather gathering up those that are scattered elsewere.
Read my post, his spliting up alliance and horde on 2 diffrent servers by trying to recuit to that server.
Ye, it seems the best way to go to maintain a bracket alive now is to be on the same realm. Eloc is a bit experienced in twinking ;) listen him is the smartest thing to do imo.
would be really good if you guys went horde so wargames and all v all aint so restricited to everyone being ally :D
Moon! said:
Ye, it seems the best way to go to maintain a bracket alive now is to be on the same realm. Eloc is a bit experienced in twinking ;) listen him is the smartest thing to do imo.
Yes, but actually the best way to maintain a bracket of this size alive whould not only having everyone on same realm but also everyone on same faction. Then all you need is 10 people to get a bg going and there is no chance that it become just a few to short on one side. Also there whould be no balance issuse (bracket-wise), since you can just switch alround teams.
we have more then enought ally's to do wargames by our selfs eloc next step is really wanting to populate horde side so we can do real wsg
zidsal said:
we have more then enought ally's to do wargames by our selfs eloc next step is really wanting to populate horde side so we can do real wsg

Why only do wargames amongst one self? The more 39s on same server, the more different teams and people to fight.. the more active and alive the bracket gets.
zidsal said:
we have more then enought ally's to do wargames by our selfs eloc next step is really wanting to populate horde side so we can do real wsg
I dident comment on if highwav had enought for doing wargames themself, but that the superior thing to do is gathering everyone on same faction and server, even after you got "enought". Unless ofc you are counting to attract enought people to get bgs rolling all night, but now? I doubt that.

Jaxel read my post #10 to understand zidsal's #11.
to be all honest, i dont care what server the hordes are on, just that they are somewhere, tellme when you fixed alot of twinks on a server, and ill transfer there, Just trying to get some WSGs going at all.:)
if you "just trying to get some wsgs going at all" you cant also "tellme when you fixed alot of twinks on a server, and ill transfer there"

and Im sure you've heard of draenor
Shockin said:
I have, but they dont see to be active at all. :)

Hum...6-10 people online every days from 12h to 2h+ am in Highwav. That's really activ for this ;)
Moon! said:
Hum...6-10 people online every days from 12h to 2h+ am in Highwav. That's really activ for this ;)

Oh MY, please mate, I know Highwav is extremely active, but im talking Horde, If You Wouldve Read it all, you wouldve understood that..
Shockin said:
Oh MY, please mate, I know Highwav is extremely active, but im talking Horde, If You Wouldve Read it all, you wouldve understood that..

Ye maybe i missed something, sorry.

But the thing is if you're really intersted in 39s and as it seems you know Highwav is really active, just transfer on dreanor, come ally side and if you want to stay horde side and even if WB isnt really active atm its still better than trying to create a guild on an other

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