EU Group


The Highlander
Going to make a private group here, write on this thread for an invite, I don't know the username of every EU twink on the site. Will be good to have somewhere to just chill and chat where it won't have to be cleaned up or moderated.

Make sure you accept the invite in your notifications

Current list of pending invites:

  • Current list of members:

I understand that this group is private so if you are a lurker of TI you wont be able to see it. However, if you make an account and just PM me, this will let you lurk the group too.
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hi O/
Maybe we need a whole new EU version of TI since we aint appreciated here :D jk but we need the shittalkin thread back from tavern...

Accepted btw.
Updated Original post to include pending invites (so you should check your notifications and accept (if you want to that is)) and current members, so you can see how big we are as a group!
Cant wait for the party! I vote, predrinks at Boazz then we go into the centre, then afterparty at Bosz's!

Updated again btwssss

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