EU F2P (level 20) Designated server


Posting this topic here, as currently unable to post within the F2P forums. Would appreciate it if this thread could be moved to the F2P forums/allow me to enter on there. ^^

Its time that a designated EU F2P server was chosen. Currently there are many a EU server with very decent twink players, so in order to enjoy playing i feel one server ally and horde needs to be specified.

So to get the ball rolling I nominate AGGRAMAR (EU normal, medium) one of the only servers EU wise that i know that use the F2P addon for chat, see http://www.twinkinfo...addons-for-f2p/ allowing 20 free to plays to chat and listing all online 20 players who also have the addon.

This server has a few dedicated players i.e Kraud, celem marybloody who use the chat system and there's a nice atmosphere. There is no P2P people that i currently know off however there are ways round this to organise premades etc.

Please post your ideas for servers, or even better roll a new toon on this server, currently all classes needed and both factions (note there is no current alliance community, all horde at the moment).

when in game please talk to us and say if you found the server via this thread, Additionally the server has pay to play P2P players who can group and carry in Scarlet, Also hoping to organise arena via p2p.

Much appreciated

Freeheals (tauren priest) / wannaheal (tauren shaman)
update - i forgot to mention that AP is the designated server in the US, however there a few EU horde players, with no use of F2P addon. So Aggramar it is ^^

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