[EU] Blackout Activity Planner


Hey guys,

I saw that when 29 was active they had an activity planner posted on forums where they would post what time and days they would be doing premades/general bg queueing/arenas so that, i guess, more people logged on for it. I thought this could be a good idea for 19s to have, so ye, hear it is i guess. Just post the details in a reply ;>

Hopefully this will give an insight of people coming back to the bracket/starting the bracket, of when is best to play // when others will be playing etc.

SupStory xx
Steamed said:
If things have been slowing down it may be because of exams, thats what its like in US too.

Pretty much, still enough Wsgs popping. Still back and forth with wins.

People been focusing on WSG>Arena atm, which is how it should be to be fair.
Supbrah said:
Hey guys,

I saw that when 29 was active they had an activity planner posted on forums where they would post what time and days they would be doing premades/general bg queueing/arenas so that, i guess, more people logged on for it. I thought this could be a good idea for 19s to have, so ye, hear it is i guess. Just post the details in a reply ;>

Hopefully this will give an insight of people coming back to the bracket/starting the bracket, of when is best to play // when others will be playing etc.

SupStory xx

Be more active dude!

This is an ace idea

To my knowledge WSG/Arena mostly goes on everyday from around 3pm till around 10pm

Currently I find it's more WSG than Arena but you can still get some games in everyday

I think it will pick up more once the summer holidays go in
Llare said:
Pretty much, still enough Wsgs popping. Still back and forth with wins.

People been focusing on WSG>Arena atm, which is how it should be to be fair.

Depending on who you ask, I may add.

Loads of people prefer fair arena, over hunter mid camping BGs. So, not entirely true, or atleast a very subjective opinion.

lindenkron said:
Depending on who you ask, I may add.

Loads of people prefer fair arena, over hunter mid camping BGs. So, not entirely true, or atleast a very subjective opinion.


Bracket survives through WSG.
Generally what we've done in the past is just make a new thread whenever someone wants to create an event and advertise it. Though you could probably sweet talk a mod into stickying an event planner thread if you ask nicely and it doesnt become a flame wall.
Kítty said:
Be more active dude!

are you playing horde or alliance more often these days? :) i'll find some time to lvl herb if i cba on coolstory perhaps if your on horde ;3
Supbrah said:
are you playing horde or alliance more often these days? :) i'll find some time to lvl herb if i cba on coolstory perhaps if your on horde ;3

These days I play both but currently playing horde more

It's piss easy! Just takes a day or so depending on boosts/using bug or not
eazyeisalive said:
You were awful at playing priest mate, your just famous on these forums but in the game you are a nobody.

I do not deny this. I drew a chart of my interpretation


I do object to the use of the world 'awful' as it seems a tad hyperbolic and now I must duly cut my wrists.

Any specific examples of errors in playing, while we are on this topic?
eazyeisalive said:
You were awful at playing priest mate, your just famous on these forums but in the game you are a nobody.

When Hamcake was actually playing:

- 2nd best mage on Blackout pre 3.2, second only to Tufys.

- I'd go as far to say equal in skill with Amped

Not that Hamcake needs/asked for defence, you're just wrong.
Llare said:
When Hamcake was actually playing:

- 2nd best mage on Blackout pre 3.2, second only to Tufys.

- I'd go as far to say equal in skill with Amped

Not that Hamcake needs/asked for defence, you're just wrong.

Hahaha you fanboy I've seen you defend Saku's ass as well, I remember one time when I stepped in to an arena with Hamcake (and then I thought that he was good). It was me on my rogue and him on hes priest Vs shaman warrior, the first thing he did was to run straight towards them I was like ''WTF is this guy doing?''. He ate a charge and they nailed him down on a couple of secs, he didn't even thought of that I'd sap the warrior first and then we'd nuke the shaman down.

Btw, Llare or what the fuck it is just tell us who you are, your on every thread and defending people's ass, who the fuck are you?
Aight kitty - i'll probs play a bit later on alliance, like 10 wins off achieve i think. Don't think im doing 3s on 80 till like 21;00 game time ;>
eazyeisalive said:
Hahaha you fanboy I've seen you defend Saku's ass as well, I remember one time when I stepped in to an arena with Hamcake (and then I thought that he was good). It was me on my rogue and him on hes priest Vs shaman warrior, the first thing he did was to run straight towards them I was like ''WTF is this guy doing?''. He ate a charge and they nailed him down on a couple of secs, he didn't even thought of that I'd sap the warrior first and then we'd nuke the shaman down.

Btw, Llare or what the fuck it is just tell us who you are, your on every thread and defending people's ass, who the fuck are you?

He probably plays priest better than you; although that's not an achievement. Sorry to derail this thread x.

Please continue.

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