EU 60-64 Real IDs BG!


Stuck in time
Hey together!

And again we want the bgs up with structure bg organization!

We got atm a really decent Player Base on Outland and want to get the bgs up again for ever!

How it works?:

Just pm me with your class,faction,Server(en/de/fr/spanish),Activity (casual,60 focused),Possible Time and Level (60,61,62,63,64) and Real ID!

I will transmit this ID to one of our BG Leaders,who will stay in contact with you and telling when were enaugh for queuing.With that system we'll have bgs in a few days.


-No GY-Camping
-Bis Equipped (Sockets/Wotlk-Enchants) for some balance
-Time for bgs,instead of playing 85 or twinking other chars!Focus must be @60!!!!!No exceptions!!!Dont wanna Real Id list full of 60 casual!!!
-Languagepool don't matters!
-Focus on Class Balanced BGs

Rules may change ...

We want to play balanced bgs and convince more players for our sweet bracket,we dont want fast owning or flame wars!The bracket dies and if you're not tolerated or fair enaugh to new commers and mates/opposites you'll loose your slot in this Real ID Project of

<Dawn of Extinction> Eu Outland Horde
<Dawn of Annihilation> Eu Outland Alliance

So if interested pm me with the informations I named above!


Starting Friday next week (27.7.2012)
Queuing times can be @every time,you'll get involved

Mfg Outland 60 Gaming
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Have not played for 2 years on my twink now but would really like to try it again as I love going bgs with it.

Will wait some days as see where this goes!

Just pm me your RealId if you want to pvp!

Everyone from EU will get therefore in En xp locked bracket!

You should be active with your twink and speaking english!

Also Wargames via this system are possible fore huge guildrep¡


Atm about 10 Rl ids!

Looking esspecially for more horde-ids,alliance where enaugh for an ab =P

So show off !

Also will take every Ally ID I get =D

Just pm

mfg Sayune
Just collecting immo more ids,Horde is lagging tehrefore no bg atm,sadly.

Maybe about 8 Horde-Palyers,which would play active,could change our problems immo

With only Allys we only could make Wargames,for example av...crossed realmed,but no real bgs =(


So,if Horde reads this,pm we with Real ID so we get the damn queues work again !

Got 26 Real IDs immo,therefore the interest for bgs is still existing,also some Connections have some friends etc.

We need more Horde-Players immo

Would be nice If you whisp me,if you are some of the rare horde-twinks =D

I c ya in 20 days ;D

i'll hold you to that!

C'mon hordies, roll up! We need to be able to get some BGs/Wargames going as soon as possible. I was only halfway through grinding honor for my stormpike tabard when 4.3 hit :< Not to mention this bracket needs some life breathing into it!

Today 6 WSGs!!!!

So it was totally goal for our 60-64 Bracket!

And still making WSG!

So,if interested pm me with your id!


Maybe we will get up arathi-basin later =)

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