EU 39 reviving bracket!


Hello Young Folks of EU :eu:.

Me and my dear friend Vianco has talked together and we decided that we are gonna try to bring the 39 bracket back to its brightess days by funding, AGM boosting and also helping through dungeouns and support with knownledge round quests and also make u guys feel home...

The Server we're gonna do this on is Draenor and Faction is Alliance.

We got a full gbank with enchants, gold, multiple bis 39 gear and much more. If u feel interested contact us ingame on draenor alliance

We both have 2 full ruthless geared 85s on the server, and we know A LOT people on this server, to assist you with AGM - we can assume you that we will get 90%+ of all the arena trinkets we are going for.

We are well known from the 19 bracket as very good players.

We already had this bracket very active like 2½month ago, we got WSG pops and allday, everyday we had multiple wargame groups queing for 3v3 and 5v5(mainly 3v3).

We also did a lot world pvp events, like BEM arena, we did some free for all there, with 17 alliances online.

Vianco and I have over 500 days played time on all our 19s together, but yet we both agree that 39 is a better bracket, and it is sad that people dont get the opportunity to see this.

When we had WSG popping we only had 1 hunter in the game, and we did not do wargames with hunters nor do we fund people who make hunters.

Here is your shot to change your bracket, you might be tired of the 19 bracket with 5/10 hunters on each team, controlling midfield? and the big nonbalance between classes?

Even Elemental Shamans work at 39(Vianco is playing one), not to forget warlocks, who are pretty powerfull in arena matches.

At the moment we are currently searching for all classes, but prio is def casters and healers!

If you have any questions or whatever feel free to contact us.

Contact Persons: Stubsqt and Viancosquid if we arent online send us an email ingame with ur real id and we will add u guys up and have a chatt with u.

We need you to make this possible!

some random pics from 39 bracket:

^ Just chilling a nonscheduled night.

^ Offensive team vs Defensive team in WSG wargames

^ Just before the free for all event in BEM arena

^ In action of this shiiit!

^ 9 people online 02:30 in the night!

^ I wonder what a thunderstorming shaman is doing up there?!

^ Not zerg games like 19/29, 15 minutes game ftw.

You can't say no to this :)!

So what are you still doing here? Gogo lvl (caster/healer plixplox) :>

Edit: we already got way over 20 people joining, and we're still counting - We have Dakkorath(warlock from DNAW trio)'s brother lvling up atm to join us

Keep spreading the word !

, best regards.
I'm currently saving to get my PC fixed to the point where I can play WoW again, I haven't played for over a year but I always loved the 39 bracket ^^

I have a my pally and mage on horde and a rogue on alliance, I am all for 39 activity and hope it goes well until I return

Before I quit I was about to change my pally to alliance but I didn't get around to it, so when I'm back and have all of the new BiS items, if any. I may still faction change, if not I'll still have my rogue on Draenor to play with you guys, instead of against you ¬_¬ ^^
I applaud this and wish you every success. It would be awesome to get some locked-xp games going again.

I can kind of understand your slight prejudice toward hunters, but I can assure they are not that much over powered in 30-39, like they are in 10-19 for example. I think you will find rogues just as bad if there are a lot of them in a game, if not worse. (Impossible to get flag out of WSG room or getting 2 shot from debuff etc..).

The way to resolve it is to not have too many of ANY class on either side.
I support this movement fully, 39 is by far the most fun and unique bracket I have ever played and it has a supportive community that cares about the game and the quality of it. Previously we had issues with leadership, however it seems that these people have disappeared and only players who rly want a fun and balanced bracket are still here. This is not a one man show and thats something that the core group of players in the 39 know, more involvement and suggestions from newer players are not only welcomed but needed! If anyone have any questions regarding gameplay of the 39 bracket or just want to know general stuff I would love to answer these questions, trust me you will not regret rolling 39!

Word. Loveu Nico <3
If only this were US 39s....

Good luck anyway!
I wish Stubs and Vianco good luck, glad to see there are people who wants the bracket to become active once again

PS: You will see me on Ero and Erá once in a while whether it's to say hello to new members or for some arena and/or BG action
Thanks for all support guys ! Spread to ur friends really want this 1 going
got about 20 new recruits alraedy and more seems to like the idea
Awesomesauce sounds like it is moving in the right direction.

Whilst it will be great for you to get wargames going, it would pointless everyone transfering to Alliance and leaving the horde side depleted. Activity needs to start somewhere, but the ultimate aim has to be normal locked-xp games (even if they have to be organised on set days/times).

Awesomesauce sounds like it is moving in the right direction.

Whilst it will be great for you to get wargames going, it would pointless everyone transfering to Alliance and leaving the horde side depleted. Activity needs to start somewhere, but the ultimate aim has to be normal locked-xp games (even if they have to be organised on set days/times).


And thats why we're keeping our original 39s on horde side instead of faction changing? ;p
Good luck with this.

Who of the pre cata 39s are back? /hi Ero ^^

Talbadarz logged in today for exemple and Nicozy is BACKZZ and more inc i guess

"Edit: I want moon back, any1 got him on skype or anything and can tell him we are back?

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