[EU - 39] Highwav


I'm writting this to let you all know that, I still don't know why, Highwav has disappeared. All I know is that Eloc was quitting wow (it is up to him telling you his reasons, I wouldn't even tell you that he quitted wow because that is up to him aswell, but I have to explain what have just happened), he made Ero guildmaster and Ero made Cowa guildmaster because he's very involved in reactivating Highwav.

Suddenly, this morning, Ero told me that Highwav no longer exists and Cowa have disappeared aswell. I checked my real ID friends and he wasn't there. I checked armory and his characters are gone. I don't really know what have happened to Cowa, Ero said he might have been hacked but it seems quite unlikely (it is a strange that he got hacked just when he received Highwav guildmaster), but I don't think he just made a /gdisband without asking nobody and for no reason. He wanted to play this bracket and he worked hard for trying to keeping it alive. So I still have no clue of what have happened.

I'm writting this to let you know about this and for asking Cowa or anyone who knows anything about what happened to tell us here.

Also I want to ask for a new alliance GM. We need a strong alliance GM, someone who could reactivate this bracket. We'll help from horde side (as we have enough active people to do whatever we need to), I'll try to speak to some people and try to move things up a bit to make it easier to reactivate alliance. If someone is interested in being the alliance GM or just for lending a hand, make me know here.
It is good that you made this post Intentalo but i'll just correct a few things in your post.

First of all, when Eloc decided to quit he didn't make me (Ero) the GM. He wanted Cowa to be the new GM and that is also what he made him after having speaked to him. Before he left for good, Eloc put alot of items and gold that I guess he had spread out on many chars. into the gbank of Highwav (there was a little under 8k gold after he had done this). The evening Cowa became GM he was later on playing on his warrior on Horde side PvP'ing if i'm not mistaken and before any of us logged I asked him to become an officer in the guild which he said he would make me. This is the last time I spoke with him.

Now, for unknown reasons just as Intentalo said, the next following day Highwav got disbanded and with this Cowa's real ID disappeared for everyone i've spoken with (which is 4 people all in all including myself). I must say the whole thing is really strange but the only logical solution would be that Cowa has infact been hacked. As Intentalo also said, Cowa worked hard for the 39 bracket and I have no reason to believe he would do this himself especially without notifying someone what is going on. Hopefully we will be able to hear from him soon!

Some positive news in all this mystery, Highwav is back up again! Me, Moon and Lusiana thought of making a brand new guild with a new name but in the end we kept Highwav since many people know about it. Currently I am the GM of Highwav but this is only temporary. If there is anyone out there reading this that feels they want to take on the role as GM for Highwav please speak to me.

Hopefully this fresh new start for Highwav will help us become active once again and I am pretty sure you all understand that we are now looking for devoted PvP players who wants to try out the 39 bracket. Also everyone that was in Highwav before is ofcourse more then welcome to return granted they will be actively playing their twink!

That is all for now!
Ah, too bad, I did put loads of rare stuff there in gbank, like Haunted Memento and 3x Poly turtle (it's not gonna drop in cata) and also quite neet stuff that the gm wont restore properly like perfect ap mail boot's and perfect str bear cloak and a sta green lens.
LOVUALL U TOOK IT<3 wat u gonna do? i know u won't belive me but greenzaptos is greenzaptos.
elocon said:
Ah, too bad, I did put loads of rare stuff there in gbank, like Haunted Memento and 3x Poly turtle (it's not gonna drop in cata) and also quite neet stuff that the gm wont restore properly like perfect ap mail boot's and perfect str bear cloak and a sta green lens.

I contacted a GM and he was able to restore all items aswell as ~ 7140 gold but every item with a random enchantment (Eagle etc) on it where useless since they just become blank after a GM restores them. So there was like a million of Green Lenses with just 10 stamina on them for example ;o

But looking beyond Green Lens of Stamina i'd say this was all in all positive news! :)
Found it when I cleared my bank on Sepium (about 2 weeks ago), cleaned it since I was only gonna have my bc account open. I apperently had it since classic. Was a 29 twink on eloz and thought I was able to have 245 engi on gnome but you can only have 235 engi. I thought that I did never buy it, but apperently I did.
elocon said:
Found it when I cleared my bank on Sepium (about 2 weeks ago), cleaned it since I was only gonna have my bc account open. I apperently had it since classic. Was a 29 twink on eloz and thought I was able to have 245 engi on gnome but you can only have 235 engi. I thought that I did never buy it, but apperently I did.

I like you and consider you as a friend, but that was just hopeless. Dont know wether I should laugh or cry, Im laughing now at least. BTW, does Seffy know?
Yeah, seffy know, he read here too sometimes.

Well... my bank is like a big trash can for "things I save for later".

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