[eu - 39] bg 11/17


Some people asked me to get some bgs today to see if blizzard has already fixed that merge problem we had. I see people loggin in theirs 39s every day and queueing or doing anything else, so I guess we won't have any problem to get some bgs going on.

Summin up:

Battleground: WSG / AB (we can try to get an AB if we're enough people)

Date: Today, 11/17

Time: 19:00 server time


So it seems we only got one WSG battle and even though people get disappointed I think getting a WSG pop on Wednesday is good signs that the bracket is alive! Hopefully we will get plenty of battles during the coming weekend!

Overall I think it was an even battle and even though it ended 2-0 to Alliance, Horde put up a good fight! Some abilities are still ruining the fun (Ambush hello) and there is some serious balance issues but hopefully the low lvl nerfs are coming soon.

Anyways, GG to all who participated!

Edit: Post is supposed to have two pictures of the WSG table after time runs out but I must be doing something wrong...

Edit: I'll just keep them as links...
NM NM, how do i delete this ? :p

Ero tried to upload some of his pictures but it apparantly didn't work for him, testing to see if I have better luck...

seems only Blackout ppl got games running, ppl from other battlegroups been in queue for ages today but didnt get a popup. IRCs Channel looks promising btw. Should get most 39s into it, working on it with the guys i know
Indeed doesn't work outside of Blackout Battlegroup still. I've contacted 2 different GMs about it, and they don't understand what I mean when I try to explain that only SOME brackets aren't merged - WTB more qualified staff imo.
could be also that trhe merge wasnt applied to the no-xp faction. But i dont have infos yet from other brackets to support this assumption
drunkn said:
could be also that trhe merge wasnt applied to the no-xp faction. But i dont have infos yet from other brackets to support this assumption

... It works just fine @ 19 locked exp, so I'm afraid that not a valid hypothesis.
lindenkron said:
... It works just fine @ 19 locked exp, so I'm afraid that not a valid hypothesis.

this are good news, since i rather have a bracket "punished" then the no-xp group. So we have xp-on ppl on our sides what makes it a bit more important for blizzard to fix
Edit: Post is supposed to have two pictures of the WSG table after time runs out but I must be doing something wrong...

You have to copy the "FORUM" link in those links, they'll be something like this: [URL.=http://img241.imageshack.us/i/wowscrnshot111710193514.jpg/][IMG.]http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/4135/wowscrnshot111710193514.jpg[/IMG.][/URL.] (without dots on [/IMG], it's just to modify them or you'd see the image itself).


its just boring that they havent done anything about this (merge bug) and probably wont until next wednesday if even then.
lindenkron said:
Indeed doesn't work outside of Blackout Battlegroup still. I've contacted 2 different GMs about it, and they don't understand what I mean when I try to explain that only SOME brackets aren't merged - WTB more qualified staff imo.

This has nothing to do with some bracket not being merged, do you think they woke up one day like "ok so lets merge 19, no exp, let's half merge 39 no exp, lets fully merge bg exp all brackets" etc no, and NO.

Every bracket, of every level, of every exp state, of every battlegroup is merged... it's not working, why ? simply the way it has been designed, the way the matchmaking is being done, because it's not based on queue time anymore, the battlegroup you are on, give you certains priorities etc, they try to queue as many people from the same battlegroup and/or datacenter as possible, because it's all about latency issues nobody knows how they programmed that stuff but they don't have a magical miracle recipe...that make the latency question vanish... Yes you can fight people from the whole Europe, but no you can't play with and against people scattered on all europe, at the same time, on one game.

Hell I'm gonna jump my ship now saying that maybe they even check the latency of each players in the queue, and if it's not satisfying, bim bam, no pop... nobody has any clue how the damn thing works, so how can anybody dare say it's not working

Don't expect them to change anything from the core code, for who ? "a tiny portion of the player base" like they called it, in the risk of screwing all the Cataclysm launch and rated battlegrounds, you are dreaming, it's not gonna happen...

For me (and blizzard btw) it's simple, if the bg exps are working, and 19's non exp are working, end of debate the whole thing is working, not the way we want it, but there is limitations on the system...

So no need to run in circle and make GM tickets, btw GM are at the bottom of the whole thing, we know more than they do, and you asking them anything ? they barely have some superpowers not superknowledge
Donniedarkõ said:
This has nothing to do with some bracket not being merged, do you think they woke up one day like "ok so lets merge 19, no exp, let's half merge 39 no exp, lets fully merge bg exp all brackets" etc no, and NO.

Every bracket, of every level, of every exp state, of every battlegroup is merged... it's not working, why ? simply the way it has been designed, the way the matchmaking is being done, because it's not based on queue time anymore, the battlegroup you are on, give you certains priorities etc, they try to queue as many people from the same battlegroup and/or datacenter as possible, because it's all about latency issues nobody knows how they programmed that stuff but they don't have a magical miracle recipe...that make the latency question vanish... Yes you can fight people from the whole Europe, but no you can't play with and against people scattered on all europe, at the same time, on one game.

Hell I'm gonna jump my ship now saying that maybe they even check the latency of each players in the queue, and if it's not satisfying, bim bam, no pop... nobody has any clue how the damn thing works, so how can anybody dare say it's not working

Don't expect them to change anything from the core code, for who ? "a tiny portion of the player base" like they called it, in the risk of screwing all the Cataclysm launch and rated battlegrounds, you are dreaming, it's not gonna happen...

For me (and blizzard btw) it's simple, if the bg exps are working, and 19's non exp are working, end of debate the whole thing is working, not the way we want it, but there is limitations on the system...

So no need to run in circle and make GM tickets, btw GM are at the bottom of the whole thing, we know more than they do, and you asking them anything ? they barely have some superpowers not superknowledge

not to be an ass or anything, but in each darn big topic or small in some cases, all your replies are purely pessimistic and negative, stop trolling our forums, and start gettin some humour and fun while watching and replying to threads. Sure you can tell people that you disagree, but there's never any happy replies from you as I've noticed, clear it up mate.

Best Regards Enjoy
blazed said:
not to be an ass or anything, but in each darn big topic or small in some cases, all your replies are purely pessimistic and negative, stop trolling our forums, and start gettin some humour and fun while watching and replying to threads. Sure you can tell people that you disagree, but there's never any happy replies from you as I've noticed, clear it up mate.

Best Regards Enjoy

Notting personal against you but:

He dosnt need to be negative just to give ppl a wake up call saying "Dude, santa dosn't exsist" The queue system works and they wont change the mechanic based on 39's. We can hope they wil, but dont arrest somone just cus they have their doubts.

- You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You have to consider the possibility that Blizz does not like you. They never wanted you. In all probability, they hate you

Reality aint bad just cus its not sugar coted

Just like Gandalf aint bad just cus he brings so many bad news to the por King in that huge white city (hehe)

Now, I might be wrong, but damn so is 95% of the posts on whole twinkinfo and TBH Im not worried, Donny seams like a dude that checks his facts, posts real nice relevant news and never trolls.

PS, I might sound really negative, I often get carried away, be it good or bad:p

Again, nothing personal, just letting you know...

Donny aint all dark :0

And TBH, I think his post should be in gold its so full of sense, because it does, in fact, make sense. Meanwhile you ppl say "I OBJECT, I DONT WANT TO BELIEVE THIS. This is LUDACRIS!" and "Don't be so pessimistic:((((" and "stop trolling our forums" heheh <3

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