Essence's Thread of Questions :D


Well I seem to get a lot of questions from time to time, and the thread specifically for questions seems to get more questions then answers, and since I have so many I don't really want to add to the growing pile :c So I'll just ask what I need here :D

1. Well Hunters are losing their ability to use Main-hand weapons, so I was curious if Warriors lose their ability to use Bows? Since Hunter can use Melee weapons but it's not very useful, and Warriors can use Bows but it is also not very useful.
Just something that crossed my mind, sorry if this has already been answered, I scanned the first couple pages and didn't see anything about it
I've also asked in the chat and they said it was, but I want to confirm it before not buying the heirloom bow :)

2. BiS Trinkets for a Night Elf Warrior?
I'm only asking because I'm stuck between:
Swift Hand of Justice+Insignia
But I guess that can come down to personal preference, and switching out AGM once the use effect is used, so what I'm really wondering is if I should buy SHoJ

3. Who are a few BiS warriors I can use as template?
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Classes won't lose their ranged or melee weapons, they will only be able to equip one at a time. I'm not sure whether it's worth keeping a bow for certain situational times as a warrior, but if you're being kited, which happens a lot, you might want to at least shoot at them, especially since 20 warriors are losing heroic throw.
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Jump, budson, oxygen, shayrooke, sliceyall are all geared warriors. I think oxygen has an accent somewhere though so you might not be able to find that one
Many thanks :D
especially since 20 warriors are losing heroic throw.
Calculon - Noooooo - YouTube
Thank you very much :D I did not see that, I must have glanced over it ^_^;

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