epic the pally here.

To the players that faced me in a BG and to the players who fought with me, how have you guys liked my play style as holy and ret. Sometimes i go in as ret (squish) and most of the time im a healer (main spec). Was wondering if im definently giving the f2p's trouble to take me down. Also I want some screenshots of you guys playing with me
(Whooping my ass or whooping some ass) I like seeing my toon in other peoples pics haha.

I dont hate f2p i like them and i dont really farm, i just heal everyone lol. The more heals i wrack up the more HK's I get torwards my 250k achieve. I like F2P's who are geared (horde and alli), props to them because they dedicate alot of time in their toons to get that gear, especially the ones with sweet xmogs.

I just want to be known for bein a beast in the bracket. Recently got hotshots so now i just need to get eagle bracers with the 6int (currently have 5int/5stam) and i need to max my skinning (dropped engineering and became lazy) its at 150 though. But yeah almost Best in slot.

When i enter a BG I look for a few names like Kale, Feletia, Trapazoid, Ochi, Mechi, Val, (basically anyone from Aerie peaks or Alextrazia or however its spelled).

I use to rock the blue transmog set but the shaman shoulders are *** so I switched it to red, its more horde anyways. What are your thoughts of it?

I have 4 level 24 alliance twinks on Daggerspine named Lamchop, Bownerz, Grismas, Nemohoes. Dont know if any of you guys played with them, but that was before I xfered one of my many 85s to spirestone to join the dark side.

I do my fair share of trolling on these foroms by posting funny pictures to make fun on someone. it ammuses me because they are just funny. Like grammar for dummies when my buddy papoose was talking **** about EPlC and couldnt spell correct on his thread. Its all fun and games though. I accept the flame wars and the heat 24s get for being unfair. Yes its not fair level wise and restriction wise like say we get alot more stats fro mthe 4 levels and extra boas and enchants. But hey we pay 15$ for the easy way to get gear and the higher advantage + the end raids/pvp at 85. I have more respect for a 20 then my 24 pally though because they are held by the balls when they try to get geared. its very time consuming and annoying .

I made a 20 f2p paladin to multibox with my 24 pally and dual heal. Yeahhhhhhhhhh f2p is just too tedious. dropping and picking up a bunch of professions and slow leveling..blah!

Some players say im bad, some players on horde side in bg's even say i suck because im a paladin and supposely they are easy to play. Id like to think im bad-ass, and Id like to think I make playing a paladin looks easy haha.

I would also like to apologize if my guildies in EPlC try to start flame wars or seek attention by posting hypocritic things or graveyard camp. From my experience in the guild, being a 24 pretty much meens you shouldnt GY farm. When i got the word that there was an active twink bracket (20-24) and its full of F2P's, I wanted to make a 24 QUICK. Didnt know anything about TI or EPlC or AP or ET or BIS, didnt know about petrols or hotshots. I just wanted to grief the **** out of 20 F2P horde lol ( which i did). but When I joined EPlC I learned alot about their tactics, specs, gear choices mounts, achieves etc. Didnt know there were twinks that good out there till i joined EPlC lol. They molded me into an objective player. You can agree or disagree but I think I'm objective in WSG and im also a good strategy leader in AB
. Our tactics in the guild for WSG isnt to GY FARM, but to control. Now there are threads about how we controll GY but yet its farming. Well hey, it is what it is. Damn straight, we farm you for 6 minutes to 10 minutes in your GY so we can get our caps and que again. We dont hold the flag and rack up HK's anymore. So the arguments of saying our strategy is Bullsh*t and is farming, great, you are right. We farm for the time it takes 3 flags to cap. (usually 6-10minutes)).

Anyways, I like typing **** randomly off the top of my head like this. Try it sometime. Its a nice break from WoW lol just typing random thoughts.

PEACE between the bracket.

You named yourself epic... and your in the guild epic. did u notice that or was i the first?
<Igyfarmyou here. Tbh i havent seen anyone good in your guild, and ive queud against your guild solo and with guys trap, ochi and the others.

You seem to win by queueing with 8-9 24s(usually with 3 healers) against alliance teams with 3-4 24s and zero heals. Thats fine if you want to do that but it shows no skill at all and you are only winning by outnumbering, outhealing.

Now if you were to do an even 5 vs 5 and win against me and trap, ochi, ect, that might prove something. But queueing with 9 24s into 3-4 alliance 24s makes me think you guys are bad.

Btw you arent that hunter collateral are you?
<Igyfarmyou here. Tbh i havent seen anyone good in your guild, and ive queud against your guild solo and with guys trap, ochi and the others.

You seem to win by queueing with 8-9 24s(usually with 3 healers) against alliance teams with 3-4 24s and zero heals. Thats fine if you want to do that but it shows no skill at all and you are only winning by outnumbering, outhealing.

Now if you were to do an even 5 vs 5 and win against me and trap, ochi, ect, that might prove something. But queueing with 9 24s into 3-4 alliance 24s makes me think you guys are bad.

Btw you arent that hunter collateral are you?


you think ochi is good? seriously bro ur lost as ***
lol i just saw your spec, reaffirming how lost you are, what's the bet you change it in >30mins
Lol why so much hostility? Ochi is good. And Tap I solo que all the time without my guild and ofcourse when we roll in a wsg with 9 of us we win 10 times out of 10 but when I solo que its alot more funner and challenging because I actually have to try. Just lost and AB with me having 59k healing and 2nd highest healer was an alliance at 11k :/ I try man. And if you say that no one from EPlC is a good player so be it, I think im pretty darn good. And Zeras are you talking about my spec? I main spec healing and offspec ret idk if that was directed torwards me though.

edit:: and no im not the hunter collateral
<Igyfarmyou here. Tbh i havent seen anyone good in your guild, and ive queud against your guild solo and with guys trap, ochi and the others.

You seem to win by queueing with 8-9 24s(usually with 3 healers) against alliance teams with 3-4 24s and zero heals. Thats fine if you want to do that but it shows no skill at all and you are only winning by outnumbering, outhealing.

Now if you were to do an even 5 vs 5 and win against me and trap, ochi, ect, that might prove something. But queueing with 9 24s into 3-4 alliance 24s makes me think you guys are bad.

Btw you arent that hunter collateral are you?

sounds like someone has lost to EPlC one to many times...
Whyzo dont trip everyones taken a loss at some point. I dont want this thread to become a flame war so keep that sh*t out

Edit:: I basically asked for everyone who's played with/against me specifically to critque me. negative or positive
Grats on your gun Whyzu, I had 2 drop but you wasn't on when I saw the rare. Ambassador was finally nice to you, lol. (Your link finally works so I can check).
@Epic, and ignoring the statements made by the other sadly misguided kids

You're a beast at holy. When I play you on my mage, I have a set rotation for burning you. Frostbolt+Arcane Barrage, Fireball+Arcane Barrage, Fire Blast (watch you cast heal), counterspell your heal, fireball+arcane barrage ftw.

As ret, I can effectively 3-4 shot you if I get good crits. Of course, that's assuming I don't die in the process from the pissed off 24 pally. Stick with holy, you're much better at it imo. Serious question though (and also not starting a flame war, so kiddies, like your mothers said, nothing nice to say, gtfo the forums)...

Why is the majority of EPlC seemingly so hostile on the forums? Idk what it is but there's just this sense of an undeserved ego that yearns to boast "HAHA WE OWN THIS **** REST OF YOU ARE INFERIOR!!".
Serious question though (and also not starting a flame war, so kiddies, like your mothers said, nothing nice to say, gtfo the forums)...

Why is the majority of EPlC seemingly so hostile on the forums? Idk what it is but there's just this sense of an undeserved ego that yearns to boast "HAHA WE OWN THIS **** REST OF YOU ARE INFERIOR!!".

From what I have seen: (These are about the Guild EPIC not the Char Epic)

EPIC is a wasp nest that gets poked a lot.

EPIC's opinion is that lvl 24 and all that is available to it is free game and fair due to the nature of twinking

F2Ps believe it's unsportsmanlike to be lvl 24 and use high lvl enchants and gear that is unavailable to F2Ps

F2Ps flame 24s in this subforum, 24s get tired of it.

General normal internet forum communication breakdown due to anonymity of forum use.

At the end of the day, both sides have valid opinions that are different and some people get frustrated.

My personal opinion is that the only thing iffy that EPIC does is group in large lvl 24 BiS (or near) teams. Really takes any challenge out of it for both sides, they can't lose, opponents can't win. I'm OK with both sides having relatively equal numbers of 24s.

That and BiS 24 != skill so when there are equal amounts on each side we get back to real competitive twinking.

I feel epic is a challenge to take out and needed to take out because he keeps his other O alive. He usually has 1 person guarding him so it comes to the matter of either CC'ing epic and killing the other or burning epic which isn't always easy.

Why do ppl always hate on me are they mad or just jealous?
umm why some of our members are so hostile on the forums? id like to think because they been around for ,awhile now on these forums with the other f2p and its been an ongoing troll fest. so any comment about our guild or them that goes negative and its war to them. (thats a guess)

Ochi you are good lol. and Fourtwennay yeah i am staying holy i just like playing ret when we have too many healers online. Oh and ochi, that game where ET 5 vs SP 4 and you guys won, we were in vent planning to backpeddle all the way out to you guys in the beginning and we didi , then after we cleared the F2p's in the mid we noticed you guys were in the BG and were like..............................................DOH!
It's very difficult to judge 24s when they group together and play against random junk 20s. I have no experience of you personally, but any time I have found any 24s from Spirestone alone, they die. A lot. Now as far as skill goes, you'd have to compare yourself to other 24 holy/rets and ret is incredibly unpopular. I almost never see any, and certainly none that are any good. Holy, well, your survivability is so high at 24 that unless you and your team are completely useless it would be difficult to take you down. Now, how do you compare to other 24 holy paladins? Again, I don't see that many, and alone, as a healer, you'd be the first one to die. In a group of 24s, it doesn't really matter, because if one is focused, then the other healer takes over.

If you really want to judge your skill, compare yourself with someone similar. Since there are next to no full 24vs24 games, it would be impossible to get an objective view of your skill level .

As for the hostility on TI, it happens everywhere. It's kind of silly really. Everyone has the option to be here or not. If you don't like 24s, don't play them. It really is that simple. If you look around though, there's plenty of hostility that isn't about 24s. People are just whiney little ******* and enjoy venting here. I wouldn't take any of it too seriously. No screenshots from me unfortunately, I don't take them.

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