So, I am new the the bracket. Got my hands on a PoD so i thought i would give it a shot.
first question, would it be worth it to put a weapon chain on PoD. I know crusader is so strong, but disarms just destroy me, and I feel like I have plenty of dmg even without Sader proc. Also, I can always throw sader on my 1h/shield then switch to PoD after proc. Is this goofy or there a world were this seems viable.
Second question, What 1h/shield should I be using? rn I have the healing mace from cath and green tower. I think the healng mace is probably not optimal from a pure dmg aspect, but its not like +healing is wasted on me, and the dps on it seems pretty good.
first question, would it be worth it to put a weapon chain on PoD. I know crusader is so strong, but disarms just destroy me, and I feel like I have plenty of dmg even without Sader proc. Also, I can always throw sader on my 1h/shield then switch to PoD after proc. Is this goofy or there a world were this seems viable.
Second question, What 1h/shield should I be using? rn I have the healing mace from cath and green tower. I think the healng mace is probably not optimal from a pure dmg aspect, but its not like +healing is wasted on me, and the dps on it seems pretty good.