engineering from 360 to 375


dispersion said:
hey there,

so as the title alrdy says how do you lvl those last 15 lvls with a vanilla capped acc?


I'm not sure about doing it with a vanilla capped account but i'm doing it atm with xp turned off at 59 on a wotlk account. I went goblin engineer and now i'm making some goblin rocket laucher and frost grenades to get to 375 so i can get a helm.
In BC on a 59 twink I made adamantie rifles, recently on my 60 on vanilla account. I farmed the ield Repair Bot 110G from Blades Edge Mts within the 10 days.

If your 10 day trial is up, use a toon to go buy the Adamantite Rifle from Shat then give it to your capped toon. Although it is green from 370+.
thanks for the info. im 371 now thinking of making those epic goggles from lvl62, till i get 375. but the price for mats is just plain insane....
I found the easiest way was to farm the pattern for the Felsteel Boomstick that drops off the Doomforge Engineers in Blade's edge and make a few of those. It's alot cheaper than trying to make the adamantite rifles and praying for a skill-up
I did adamantite rifles though it was kinda painful waiting for skill ups... I found it the easiest if Gold isn't an issue.

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