Enchants and preBC accounts

If i move a toon to a preBC account can i still get wotlk enchants? Also, is there any battlegroups that have good q times for AV with no exp?
Yes, you can buy them off the AH/pay someone to do them for you.


Im on a Classic account too, and you can see that I have WotLK enchants.
I dont think there's a battlegroup that can get 40 lvl 59-60 twink on each side with xp turned off as most of the battlegroups cant even get a 10v10 get going in even more popular brackets.
You can get into leveling BGs on a classic account and not level past 60

Works the same for 70 to.
Grimmjøw said:
If i move a toon to a preBC account can i still get wotlk enchants?

You can't move/transfer a character from an account with an expansion to an account with no expansions... You can go the other way (transfer from no expansions to expansions) however... You only option is to level up a new character but Recruit-A-Friend (RAF) makes that pretty easy.

Yes, you can get most of the WotLK enchants and, if you do the 10day BC trial, you can use WotLK gems in socketed gear as well as getting professions up to 375...

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