Eminem's Signature Shop - F2P Friend's only ;)

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Hey there F2P community, my name is Eminemx and I used to be quite adept at Photoshop. Lately, I've not done much work with it so I'd like to have that opportunity again. I'm offering my services to anyone that browses this particular sub-forum, so if mod's could pretty please not move it to Tavern or wherever! <3

Here are a few examples of my work:





I create the characters in WoW Model Viewer, render them, create the background with a set of C4D's and brushes, and then try to find a creative way to incorporate text. Anywho, these are just the few I've done since I've gotten back into photoshop, so if you'd like one hit me up! But, if you would kindly use the following format that would be MUCH appreciated. The order I create them is based on first come first serve (as long as everyone is using the format).

*Color Scheme:

* Required Information
^ Choose from site's like: 1001 Free Fonts - Download Free Fonts for Windows and Macintosh , dafont.com
- Attacking, Casting, Swimming, etc

TL;DR - I make signatures, if you want one USE THE FORMAT I PROVIDED.
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Awesome idea! :D Those do look very nice. And I'm so jealous of you, no WMV on Mac. :/
Looking forward to what you come up with for others, and once I get bored of mine I'll bug you. :)
Glad I'm seeing this first, with the exception of Yde :p

I have a challenge for you...is it possible to have both of my druids in a single one, in their feral forms? :) If so, I will fill out the form.
Hey there! This is a great idea and very generous of you to do so. If you don't mind I would like a custom signature! =)

*Text: Açai Subtext: Legends Never Die
*Color Scheme: Black/Gold/Crimson
*Class: Paladin
*Race: Blood Elf
^Font: Blade 2 http://www.dafont.com/blade-2.font
-Pose: Fighting Stance (could my shield be in a position that looks like I am about to block.. or throw my Avengers Shield?)
Gear-set: I will change my link in my sig as soon as servers are up (except I do not have burnish gloves >.<). But I want Lucky Fishing Hat, Pristine Lightforge Spaulders, Full Burnish Set, Devout Aurastone Hammer, and Reforged Quel'dorei Crest.

If you need anymore information, I would be glad to provide =)
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*Text: Hopscotch & Mizzy (special characters omitted, because those fonts don't have them)
*Color Scheme: Black and Purple
*Class: Feral Druid
*Race: Kitty :p (Night elf Purple Cat [http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/_...elf-Catforms.jpg/425px-Nightelf-Catforms.jpg] Tauren Cat - Top Left Color [http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/_...auren-Catforms.jpg/425px-Tauren-Catforms.jpg]
^Font: You Murderer Font
-Pose: Attacking
Gear-set: N/A

Thanks for doing this! :)
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This would be so awesome..

*Text: Zerazsa Subtext: Watch Your Back
*Color Scheme: Black and Blue Shadows
*Class: Rogue
*Race: Blood Elf
^Font: Windshield Massacre - dafont.com
-Pose: Crouching while stealthed
Gear-set: My Rogue's with Lucky Fishing Hat and possibly Blackfang

EDIT: I've been in my dung gear lately so I posted everything I wear if u want it:
Lucky Fishing Hat, stained shadowcraft spaulders, stained shadowcraft tunic, frostwolf battle tabard, prospector's cloak, bands of serrakis, foreman's gloves, vigorous belt, hoggers trowsers, feet of the lynx, 2 x Blackfang. Tyy
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Text: Umpteenth
*Color Scheme: purple/white/black
*Class: Paladin
*Race: Human
^Font: Whatever you want
-Pose: casting avengers shield
Gear-set: Ump @ Drenden - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
And instead of the patch. I want lucky fishing hat, and instead of shoulders i would like pristine lightforge, also silverwing tabard.
I will have those in the near future :p
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Hey there! This is a great idea and very generous of you to do so. If you don't mind I would like a custom signature! =)

*Text: Açai Subtext: Legends Never Die
*Color Scheme: Black/Gold/Crimson
*Class: Paladin
*Race: Blood Elf
^Font: Blade 2 Blade 2 Font | dafont.com
-Pose: Fighting Stance (could my shield be in a position that looks like I am about to block.. or throw my Avengers Shield?)
Gear-set: I will change my link in my sig as soon as servers are up (except I do not have burnish gloves >.<). But I want Lucky Fishing Hat, Pristine Lightforge Spaulders, Full Burnish Set, Devout Aurastone Hammer, and Reforged Quel'dorei Crest.

If you need anymore information, I would be glad to provide =)


How's this? It's a tiny bit rushed, so if you want anything changed about it just let me know!
Text: Shikaari
*Color Scheme: I'd prefer the colors of a hunter meaning brown, gold, green etc. Of course, you're the artist so if you find a better color scheme feel free to do whatever. Same goes for the pose. I just feel like a multishot pose with the arrows actually coming at the viewer would look amazing.
*Race: Goblin
^Font: Ithornet Font - 1001 Free Fonts
-Pose: I want it to be a multishot effect. Maybe the hunter on top left shooting the bow with three arrows, the first one coming directly at the viewer, the second one going at a ~45 degree angle at the name that's on the bottom right and the last one going at a ~26 degree angle?

Also if you can put a pet on the right side flying over the name, http://www.wowhead.com/npc=54320/banthalos

Gear-set: Héllsing @ Archimonde - Game Guide - World of Warcraft This set, but I want it as a goblin.
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Is this the new best-signatures.com? lol.

I might fill out a form, idk
Hey, if you can do this it'd be great. I'd really want my two shamans (horde and alliance) incorporated. I'll just link their armories now and leave the class, gearset, race blank.

Resòurce @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
Arenashameng @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

*Text: "Billow" on top and then somewhere else or underneath that "num won shemang univers"
*Color Scheme:I'm leaving this up to you. I really don't have a preference.
^Font: Medieval Fonts - 1001 Free Fonts The one that says benegraphic on that page. Should be the first one when you scroll down. Feel free to change it for the num won shemang univers
-Pose: My only preference is that they're on opposing sidesof the signature rather than clumped together. Whatever poses are easiest or work the best for you are fine.

Is it possible to put different chars into 1 signature? I would like to have these 2 chars into it:
Bloodelf Female Mage with his current mog, including a Darkmoon Fair cloak, while casting something, doesn't matter what.
Orc Female Warrior with his current mog, slamming around with his BAR.

*Text: Mastertinker Mialo
*Color Scheme: Purple, Green, Yellow (alike to their mogs). I do like the idea of a vertical selection through their bodies and just stretching that over the whole background while you put a blend over it with some fancy lightning things.
^Font: Expressway

Another note: I like a long small signature over a thick fat one. 500 x 150 seems an interesting size.
Kind regards!
eminemx, this is just an amazing idea! I would really love one but!
can you do something else for me?

I have a youtube channel about F2P stuff
DubbsBegins2012 - YouTube
as you can see, i have no background... :(

I am not really good at using photoshop / illustrator etc.
I was dying to figure out what to do about making one of these backgrounds and i gave up. :(

I see that the signature and the youtube background are pretty similar things.
So if you can, I would really LOVE it if you make one for me.

Text : DubbsBegins, Subscribe
Color Scheme : dark green
Class : druid
Race : night elf
Pose : casting!
Font : http://www.1001freefonts.com/BirthOfAHero.php (BirthOfAHero Font)
Font color : white or gray
Dubbs @ Norgannon - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

I woud like me (druid) casting a nature(green) spell (like regrowth) in a dark green (very dark almost black)
and since there are two sides for youtube page, I would love to see some druid forms (cat and bear) in blue hair NE form (the darkest color for druid forms
background with some leaves in the air :)
with the text DubbsBegins
I would love to have your name on the bottom too :)
(like By Eminemx)

And finally, this is what i found on making a Youtube 2012 channel page background.
New Youtube Layout 2011/2012 Custom Background Tutorial [Free Templates in Description] - YouTube

I dont think i wanted anything this bad ever in F2P WoW / TI / YouTube.
If you can do it, ill love you lol :) thanks even if you cant do it

EDIT : If this is just too much :( i would still love a signature too :)
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