Emerald Dream PVP - US


Just wanted to say hi to all the 19 twinkers out there. I recently dusted off my tinks and wanted to see if anyone else had any on Emerald Dream. I have a 2k+ rated 85 there and a BiS 19 and 24. Get at me if you have any toons there or are looking for a place to call home. People interested in 85's and twinks are A+. Hit me up.

I would suggest you transfer to Bleeding Hollow since it's becoming the capital for 19 twinks.
I only really know one person from there now (Jm) a pally who also used to have a BiS 19 Rogue (velux) and the best Ive seen still probably (First person to max out professions and post on pwndepot) but the guild Second Coming and Eboahs Bakery used to play there back in the day. Seems pretty dead these days.
^ To echo wat this guy is saying: Only really familiar with Eboahs Bakery from ED. Great group of people. Sad they don't play these days.
It's actually sad that a lot of people from the heydays of Shadowburn don't still play. But I guess that comes with the territory: Small pool of people turns into an even smaller pool when people decide it's time to move on.

we r teh last 1s standing lolpz
I am not transfering off of ED. Many of the old school twinks like Stickymittens, Bobbo, Zenocide, Reflexes, Kttn, and a few others play 85s there. Its a great realm especially for end game pvp. Just looking to revive some of my twinks and have some fun with a few people if they have toons sitting over there.
I have a 85 rogue on horde and a 85 paladin on ally. Then a 19 and 24 rogue on ally, but I could always make a 19 or 24 pally on horde ;)
Word, well I have my 19 pally which I spec ret or prot ret atm. Anything goes, would be nice to have some actual 19 twinks on ED horde play. I'm pretty much the only 19 twink horde player. Possibly start up a 19 guild, something small. Also I have an 85 rogue w/full cata. /w aenertia or jm (anytime).
I didnt even know kitn was from shadowburn? was that always his name?..kao I know :( Theres a handful left that still play. Np velux =]
flex cyde nd mittenz r the only ppl who i knw who play on ED but im pretty sure flex and zeno quit so i think stickitinyamittens is the only one left
are you horde or alliance on ED? (nvm, i see you said alliance)

i'm on alliance ED and always trying to find more 19's. i'd like to get a 19 community on alliance side again, but shit ain't easy.

ps. i miss those second coming guys T_T.

edit: feel free to /w me on Hitherepals, Confuciussay, or my 85 Xfl.
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