Ele Shaman

just find a good resto shaman. i expect elem is gimped. it would be much worse than resto but i believe in playing what spec you enjoy.
Rmprmprmp said:
Does anyone play Ele Shaman that I could use as a gearing guide?

no and don't.
There was one good ele sham on ally. Cant remember his name but he could actually put alot of pressure on heals and did pretty well in the duels/arenas ive seen him in. Any spec can do well if played right. As far as gear it would be mostly resto gear. Maybe throwing in extra crit when you can.
Elem is INCREDIBLY underpowered as it is right now. Sure, you'll hear stories of an Elem Shaman getting off an INSANE crit and one shot someone, but I just popped all my CDs, stacked a shitte ton of buffs, and dropped all my totems just to get that one shot off with. The rest of the time is just being a pesk with a couple damage here and there.

Blizz needs to give Elem a +Haste bonus for just going Elem. Change Shamanism to a straight up Haste bonus and give us a talent that increases Haste when you LB twice in a row. Would help improve the spec across the board. Balance the damage out, I'd rather do a steady stream of damage then run in with 50 buff to one shot someone and then be SOL and gimped.

Now, back to your question. I would not recommend going Elem, but it would be something nice to tinker with. When I rolled Beershock, no one had tried Enhance yet, so I tried Enhance and found it to be really good and a lot more fun than healing. Elem could be a nice littler experiment to try out, but you'd need to get haste gear to make LB a viable spell and your Shocks are going to have (if you spec for it) a 5.5 second cooldown which is terrible IMHO. And haste is almost non-existent in this bracket AFAIK.

I will respec my resto to elemental every now and then for fun. It really is horrible and when I do go elemental its only to play AB and to constantly rush LM. Nothing feels better then knocking 2-3 guys off the ledge with a well timed Thunderstorm.

You got to think for damage all you can do is cast flame shock, lb, lb, earthshock, lb, lb etc. Its boring and the damage isnt there.


He still has the Deep Fathom Ring on when he was specced elemental for the spirit to hit. Might consider swapping the Seal of Argus for the Advisor's Ring for more spirit. I would probably swap out to the cloth belt from The Stockade if I had it. And last there is a shield with 3 stam/intel and 3 crit I would swap to.

Elemental just isnt very good. Roll resto and swap to it when your getting bored. Thats what I do.
Tryed it, sucked, I stacked crit for like 20% spell crit, and even then my lbs only crit for like 300. I hardly made a dent, I wouldn't recommend it.
It's actually only a coincidence that I came upon this post today, so I thought I'd chime in. I tried respec'ing from Resto to Ele today in hopes that it would make leveling my LW and Skinning faster. I Had about a 20% spell crit as well, and +8 haste from Cloak and belt (+4 each), along with a mix of +crit and resto gear, and I've really got to admit that it does feel incredibly underwhelming. I queued for a random and got SFK, and as I proceeded to dps to the best of my abilities, I began thinking, "Damn, this $#!? is kinda weak..."

So as some people have suggested, go ahead and roll an Ele Sham if you truly enjoy that class/spec; however, you should really take into consideration that even with the non-BoA "BiS" gear at level 20, it really does feel as underwhelming as everyone claims it to be. =\
Underwhelming maybe, but I'm not gonna lie, the extra (AoE!) interrupt (that can interrupt non-interruptable spells and can be used while stunned!) looks pretty sweet.

IMO Ele Shamans can have some crazy utility and I'm almost certain that's the best Interrupt you can have at 20 if not in the game.
I think I was one of the 1st that tried elemental on here for f2p 20 and commented on how it was bad. Thunderstorm is fun and all, but a lot of times I have had it only knock someone back a few yards. The only class it's really good against are paladins who stun.. Other classes I would just much rather have Earth Shield. Also speaking of LM on AB. After knocking someone off a couple times they tend to tell the team and they either don't go near the edge or stay away from LM all together. It's also can be a pain in the ass to do if you get slowed, cause you have to position yourself. You are much more helpful to your team as one of the other 2 specs.

If you would like to try it though. Re-specs are cheap.

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