Ealz the 19 hunter


Also can get another BoA staff (Dignified Headmaster's Charge) with 25+ agi, but im not sure.

Other items that I got that might be worth mentioning:

Secound AGM for when pvp trinkets on cd and for fcing.

Int gear like talbar mantle, TBJ (uneq'ed yet), magefist gloves (uneq'ed yet).

Regen staff, perfect ap axe with agi, Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders, Stained Shadowcraft Tunic.


Switched from 0/8/2 to 0/10/0.

Got fishing hat!

Got Perfect monkey bracers!

Also Im building a fc gear, Im not going for max stamina (may get a max sta gear in the future thought). I try balance both stamina and dps soo I still can kill while holding flag (cuase its sucks if you whould lose flag when you only got 1 or 2 horde on me).

EALZ FC CHARDEV'S is my fc profile atm.

I gonna get to fc gear:

  • Either eagle or monkey gloves and not sure if I should ench them with 15+ agi or 10 haste.
  • Maybe gonna get Sharpened Scarlet Kris with 22+ int and Furbolg Medicine Pouch, its 5 sta more with a lost of 105 mana, 1 ap and 2% crit, not sure if its worth it.
Toon looks good man, apart from the items u listen, seems complete. Only thing i would say is make sure u get the rest of the capes with +3agil/+10 shad res, as well as the different weapons for agil/spirit, just little extras. But apart from that, complete toon :)
The spec looks good for Warsong. In arena though I'd suggest going 0/10/0; not sure how much the range will help.
Massive Battle Axe of the Monkey with +25 Agility is a small upgrade (1.15% ranged crit, 1ap, -40health) and I kinda need the health, but one idea I had is to go with TCS with 22+ int and BoA with 25+ agi but then my starting dmg whould be worse. Best thing whould be another BoA staff with 25agi (but then I rather get leather BoA hit chest, for several reasons).

I'll start look for a Axe atleast.

Im not sure about 4yards vs 2% ranged crit, 4y is better in WsG thats for sure but lets turn to arena.

With 4y I will have easy to not get warriors to open on me. Also its easyer to get openers off, like im on max range and casters for example wlock can not get off a cast directly = I get openers usally.

But then how much is opener compared to 2% RC all the time.
U want the massive battle axe of power, not monkey....

As for spec, dont spec range, good players will always exploit LoS and so max range is situational, ur standard range is more than enough imo, 0/10/0 i think is best
If you're rolling about arena most of the time i'd recommend another 4 hit rating, or if you dont like the idea of permanantly having more hit rating get Jordans BoA staff and shove 25 agi on it for those nelfs fights.
Lol 1 sec after I saw you wrote you want power axe, I found a perfect one on ah for 1g :p

Think I gonna play alround with specs see what I like
DurtyTwinkin said:
On my sever Twisted chanters staff was popular with agility enchant on it.. But i was rouge soo didnt really care to investigate it.

That is acceptable but not good
Got fishing hat now!

Gonna get 3/3 wranglers when, a special person, cod me them.

Switched spec to 0/10/0.

See first post :).

@Kore, I got all hit items exept boa bow and boa staff (gonna get staff as soon as allaince draenor win wintergrasp) soo I got no problem geting 4 more hit in nerf duels :). But in arena? losing stats vs 9 races to get a upgrade vs 1, dont think soo.
I would say so, you dont sacrfice too many stats to get the full hit cap, and bear in mind that there are atleast two opponents in arena so the probability of getting atleast one opponent you wont be capped against is increased.

I may be slightly biased towards hit rating, but i would recommend that you get the full cap.
Kore nametooshort said:
Perfect wranglers dont exist, theyre a myth.

Seriously, I'd been spam searching them on the ah for the last year.

Got a pair last weekend for 5g. Persistence pays off. I gave a perfect pair of eagle bracer's to a friend a while back for his hunter, then he quit a week after.

Juicy said:
Seriously, I'd been spam searching them on the ah for the last year.

Got a pair last weekend for 5g. Persistence pays off. I gave a perfect pair of eagle bracer's to a friend a while back for his hunter, then he quit a week after.



... you gave eagles to a hunter?


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