
Do duels show your skill-level?

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Many people have different views on what a duel shows skill wise. I am very interested to see if people here think duels show how skillful someone is, or if they think its just a lag test and nothing more.

Do duels show your skill-level?
While duels can be helpful to test various skills, class match ups, and the such it only shows you how people can preform in a predetermined 1vs1 in a close area.

Many classes strive and flourish in wide open areas, locations full of objects for line of siting, and so forth. Generaly each class generally wants to play to there strenghts, and a dual severaly hinders that.

While it does alot you to see how people preform in predetermined close fixed areas which is a good skill to develop, it IMO isnt a true test of skill.

People can easily change there spec to destory another person spec for that one dual. Battlegrounds on the other hand require you to play your best spec and use the tatical advtanges, on top of this some just arn't ment for dualing in 1vs1 aspects but are ment to thrive in a group enviorment; flag carriers & healers are one example of this, as well as certain classes that pick up talents/skills that assist in defending flags in warsong/arathi, or for the sole purpose of benefiting others in the group so you get your maxium efficantcy.
Duels determine skill in that it shows how well you mastered movement/rotations/skills etc.. It does NOT determine who is better. This is because of something called luck. If you miss that crucial gouge, your fb misses, your am glitches etc.. you got unlucky but that doesnt mean you are worse. Even in mirror's there is too much of an RNG factor. I love arenas but I never understood why people brag about them.
Yeah, a lot of people think that duels are the end all be all, I've even been messaged before, "I beat one of your guildies in a duel can I join." Natural hit it on the head!
Evocate said:
Duels determine skill in that it shows how well you mastered movement/rotations/skills etc.. It does NOT determine who is better. This is because of something called luck. If you miss that crucial gouge, your fb misses, your am glitches etc.. you got unlucky but that doesnt mean you are worse. Even in mirror's there is too much of an RNG factor. I love arenas but I never understood why people brag about them.

I agree with everything here, especially the last part.
Duels show how good you are at duelling. Raids show how good you are at raiding. Arenas show how good you are at arenas. So on.

From when I very first started playing wow there was a shaman who was undisputedly the best shaman duelist on the server. He taught me tricks that would have taken me months to figure out by myself, although I admit they were mostly little things that we kinda take for granted these days, like the fact that searing totem has so much utility in shaman duels.

However, when BGs released, he folded up and became nearly worthless, good only for camping midfield, and not even good at that since he hadn't yet mastered the concept of 'healing another player'. No situational awareness, no ability to judge whether someone needed to be killed or kept alive in order to achieve the objectives of the BG, just tunnel vision and a hardon for the red name right in front of him.

He was the proverbial moron you could run a circle of with the flag and he would keep beating up the guy he was already on, or the guy who kills the healer you snared off the efc while the efc keeps running up mid, so said healer can respawn next to said fc with full mana.

That kinda taught me not too put too much stock in someones 'expertise' at any one field of the game, but I guess I was lucky to see such an extreme example so early on.
Random Number Generator, its what all games are based around.

Example of how I believe it works

Rogue: 20% crit, (hit capped)

Paladin: 5% dodge, 5% miss, 5% parry, 5% block

Rogue attacks Paladin - Rolls number between 1-100.

was it 1-5? Paladin dodged

6-10 misses Paladin

11-15 Paladin Parrys

is the paladin using a shield? no? skips block phase.

16-100 hit.

Was it a hit? Rogue attack table begins.

1-20 Crit

21-100 Hit

Rogues Attack stats benefit.

Attack power - factor in

Talents - factor in

was it a crit? - factor in crit damage increasing abilitys

etc - etc

Paladin defense begins.

Armor - factor in

Resil - factor in

block value - using a shield? no, skip this phase.

etc - etc
Naturaltalnt said:
While duels can be helpful to test various skills, class match ups, and the such it only shows you how people can preform in a predetermined 1vs1 in a close area.

Many classes strive and flourish in wide open areas, locations full of objects for line of siting, and so forth. Generaly each class generally wants to play to there strenghts, and a dual severaly hinders that.

While it does alot you to see how people preform in predetermined close fixed areas which is a good skill to develop, it IMO isnt a true test of skill.

People can easily change there spec to destory another person spec for that one dual. Battlegrounds on the other hand require you to play your best spec and use the tatical advtanges, on top of this some just arn't ment for dualing in 1vs1 aspects but are ment to thrive in a group enviorment; flag carriers & healers are one example of this, as well as certain classes that pick up talents/skills that assist in defending flags in warsong/arathi, or for the sole purpose of benefiting others in the group so you get your maxium efficantcy.

This is the same thing I was thinking!
Naturaltalnt said:
Random Number Generator, its what all games are based around.

DND! You roll 1, critical fail, you fall on your blade and die.
Naturaltalnt said:
Random Number Generator, its what all games are based around.

Example of how I believe it works

Rogue: 20% crit, (hit capped)

Paladin: 5% dodge, 5% miss, 5% parry, 5% block

Rogue attacks Paladin - Rolls number between 1-100.

was it 1-5? Paladin dodged

6-10 misses Paladin

11-15 Paladin Parrys

is the paladin using a shield? no? skips block phase.

16-100 hit.

Was it a hit? Rogue attack table begins.

1-20 Crit

21-100 Hit

Rogues Attack stats benefit.

Attack power - factor in

Talents - factor in

was it a crit? - factor in crit damage increasing abilitys

etc - etc

Paladin defense begins.

Armor - factor in

Resil - factor in

block value - using a shield? no, skip this phase.

etc - etc

I think its somewhat close to this, but yeah, I hate how we cant see the rolls. Thats what I always loved about Neverwinter Nights Pvp. You knew why you got knocked down, disarmed, crit, ect ect. That and the fact you could multiclass. Something I hope blizzard does later. Being able to have a true battlemage would be awesome. 60 Mage, 10 Paladin, 10 Warrior. Would make real "building"
19 Twink duels use to show skill. Back in the glory days of the 19 bracket. Now duels are a complete joke.

Before for a 19 rogue to beat a hunter/mage/shaman it took every tool in the bag. (talking about beating top players of these classes) I could go on about this all day, but I don't think anyone wants to read my wall of text.
if you duel in the right place it can show you if a player knows how to use LoS and shows you how good a person is at being able to string abilities together + keybind and all that jazz.

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