Druid Max Health FC gear?

Hello, i have been thinking about making a Druid -Resto- FC, and about getting a FC gear with max stam, i'll link my gear here so here goes;

Head : [item]Lucky Fishing Hat[/item]

Neck : [item]Thick Bronze Necklace[/item]

Shoulder : [item]Preened Ironfeather Shoulders[/item] ( +7 Stamina on lv 19)

Cloak : [item]Tumultuous Cloak[/item] of stamina

Enchant : +70 armor

Chest : [item][Toughened Leather Armor][/item]

Enchant : +100 health

Bracer : [item]Bracers of the Ancient Grove[/item] :Alliance: - [item]Uninsured Bracers[/item] :Horde:

Enchant : +9 stamina

Gloves : [item]Blackened Defias Gloves[/item]

Enchant : +16 Spell Power

Belt : [item]Vigorous Belt [/item] of the monkey

Leggings : [item]Fine Leather Pants[/item]

Enchant : +24 armor (they are BoE)

Boots : [item]spidersilk Boots[/item]

Enchant : +7 stamina

Rings : [item]Seal of argas[/item]

[item]Garrosh's pardon[/item]:Horde: - [item]Ello's band[/item]:Alliance:

Trinkets : [item] Arena Grand Master[/item]

[item] Arena Grand Master[/item]

Weapon : [item][Dawnblade][/item] :Horde:

Enchant : +22 intellect

Off Hand :[item][Furbolg Medicine Pouch][/item]

~ Does anybody know if this can be my Max health gear? please reply (it'll be a tauren druid for the +5% base health)

~ Does anybody know the amount of Stamina (in %) gained from the druid bear form + the Resto talent?

~ Please not this is for newer twink so no [item]Seal of Sylvanas[/item]

A resto bear gets 16% more stamina than he gets while in caster. The 10% bear buff and 6% resto talent stack additively, not multiplicatively.

Yes, its prett close to a max stam set, but keep in mind that as an FC, especially resto, that other stats are important too.
Kore nametooshort said:
A resto bear gets 16% more stamina than he gets while in caster. The 10% bear buff and 6% resto talent stack additively, not multiplicatively.

Yes, its a max stam set, you can't get higher through gear, but keep in mind that as an FC, especially resto, that other stats are important too.

ah okay, but do you know about howmuch health the drid could get in bear form? i mean thats like 1500+ from gear :/ as i have seen a druid with about 2.9k hp UB couple months ago
get a seal of argas, same stam, more intellect =)
chíll said:
get a seal of argas, same stam, more intellect =)

ah okay, thx ill swap it ;) so i can look back to this post laster
Mnkey said:
Its good but Seal of Argas & Ellos Band are better then Blood Ring x2.

Yes but isn't [item]Ello's Band[/item] alliance?
Mnkey said:
It is, would think you would have one if you included other ally gear.

yeh your right; added ^^

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