Druid/General Twink Questions

Hey all, so I'm still pretty new to this whole twinking thing and I just got my first one to 19 and pretty well geared up today. It's a druid (since I had it sitting around at 17 waiting to be twinked and I want to play around with travel form in 3.2)

Anyways, first of all let me say that I sort of plan on being a casual twink (if those exist) and what I mean is that the likelihood of me getting things like the Fishing Hat and an AGM are pretty slim. I am, however, trying to get the best dungeon/BoE gear I can as well as the best enchants. As far as my druid is concerned, I have a couple questions about itemization for a flag carrier type. Right now I have her wearing a Toughened Leather Armor with +3 stats but I also have a 5/5 Bandit Jerkin of the Monkey in the bank which I could easily enchant. I figured that the nice chunk of extra stamina I get from the TLA would be better than the agil I would gain from the other one. Is this right? I guess I don't know how important agility is for a druid in Bear (soon to be also travel) form. Same question with my legs, I currently have the Smelting Pants, but would it be better to switch to 5/5 Scouting Trousers of the Monkey? Again I would lose a bit of health but gain some agility, and I guess armor since I could put a stronger kit on it.

Any thoughts on the balance of Stamina and Agility would be greatly appreciated! Or just gear in general, maybe there's a stat I'm forgetting?

And my other question is about the head enchants, I just want to make sure that I'm not missing something. It isn't possible to get any of the libram head enchants anymore is it?

Thanks in advance!
Awesome thanks! That's exactly what I was looking for. I forgot I had seen somewhere mention that getting 'of the Eagle' stuff was good. Is this so heals are more powerful when used? Or just so you have more mana? I just ran my first BG with her all geared out the way I had her and I was definitely short on mana plenty of times so I can see how that would be nice. Thanks again!

Edit: Oh, also, this is probably a stupid question, but if I wanted to do some healing and make a healing set. Would you recommend keeping all the of the Eagle and other Intellect gear, or get something else?

One more thing I just thought of, until I get the marks for the Lorekeeper's Staff, what would be a good placeholder that I can get more easily? Right now I have Rhahk'zor's Hammer (11 Stam). Should I just hang on to that for now, or go with something like Twister Chanter's Staff or something along those lines with some +Int?

Ok, now I'm done with questions, until tomorrow at least...
If you're flag carrying you want a solid base of mana (thus "of the Eagle" gear) because shape-shifting costs mana, and you're going to be doing a lot of that.

Healing sets are all about your preference. You should get some +SP gear and some balanced gear if it fits your style. You should experiment around until you find what you like best.

For FCing you'd want to get Dawnblade w/22 int + Furbolg Pouch (Facesmasher if you're Alliance). For Resto Twisted Chanter w/22 int is your best bet starting out.
My healing set fails for my druid =O I tryed to mix eagle and spell power gear but I either go oom to fast or my heals arn't big enough.

And Int imo is ust as important as stam for FCing on a druid, having more mana allows you to shift out of more slows xD also gives you a good mana pool to cast hots on yourself to get that HP back while kiting =P
Yeah I tryed to keep the pouch out of the (no grinding set) because well lets face it...it sucks, it sucked farming the rep on my mage and I didn't even atempt it on my druid (I might camp it when the xp toggle comes into play xD)

Sorry spelling sucks sleep /yawn.

While I'm in a thread about 19 druids...Miners cape is the best stam cape for alliance right? I know horde get a 7 stam one for being exalted with that horde only faction (LUCKY!).
Minnyheals said:
Yeah I tryed to keep the pouch out of the (no grinding set) because well lets face it...it sucks, it sucked farming the rep on my mage and I didn't even atempt it on my druid (I might camp it when the xp toggle comes into play xD)

Sorry spelling sucks sleep /yawn.

While I'm in a thread about 19 druids...Miners cape is the best stam cape for alliance right? I know horde get a 7 stam one for being exalted with that horde only faction (LUCKY!).

Correct :]

And you thought you were done with questions =P
Minnyheals said:

chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner - If you're willing to grind things out,

chardev.org v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner - If you're not =P

You might wanna get 2 boots, throw minor speed on one and 7 stam on the other.

And yeah head librams, shoulder enchants and leg kits have all been removed from lower lvls.

Something I noticed on your chardev was +7 resist on cloak, that sadly requires item level 35+, thus making +5 resist all highest. ^_^

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