druid advice :)


hello again, its conflagz, at the moment im one of the only locks on my server and im rank 1 lock on it :)
for those who have seen my threads, my warrior is doing a lot better and im enjoying him more now too.

i want to take on what will probably be my last endeavor, a druid.

i would love to know info on all 3 specs and which spec is the best for arenas/ and one for bgs

im interested in healing and flag carry, but i also want to try out boomkin

thanks again twinkinfo.com members <3
hello again, its conflagz, at the moment im one of the only locks on my server and im rank 1 lock on it :)
for those who have seen my threads, my warrior is doing a lot better and im enjoying him more now too.

i want to take on what will probably be my last endeavor, a druid.

i would love to know info on all 3 specs and which spec is the best for arenas/ and one for bgs

im interested in healing and flag carry, but i also want to try out boomkin

thanks again twinkinfo.com members <3

you're the rank 1 lock because like you said you're the only lock on your server.
haha it was a joke guys i was puting a play on words as in my server is basically baron with variety of twinks, all i see is priests mages and rogues
anyways lets get off the topic of my self proclaimed rank 1 warlock 1337 skillz and get on the topic of druids please :)
At 70 Druid is more of a secondry class IMO. Feral does nice burst damage, but lacks overall survivability without a healer - sprint and trinket to get out of roots to avoid being globalled by frost mages but one they are on cooldown you have to either sit there and take it and get dispelled so feral and healer in 2v2 works great - especially if you are rolling with tinkers. Boomkin in 2v2 lacks single target burst, so you will get no where with a healer - I suggest ele shaman or spriest as this classes have real nice bursts and you can both off heal each other. Resto in 2s is harder, you can't supply any pressure at all, only cc is roots which essentially provide nothing as healers just dispel themselves if you try to Los them from their dps partner or their partner if you root them. Only good IMO if you are being pressured and you pop natures grasp for that few seconds to run and heal. There is also bear stun and skull bash but you need to be in bear form and it's risky because you can't heal at all.. And it's a pretty lame silence i must say! Although resto Druids have tremendous healing..I'd advise teaming with a partner who can global on their own such as frost Mage or sub rogue etc.

3s is faaaaar easier. Roll resto, team with 2 people with huge burst damage and yours heals will hopefully be able to keep them both up while they tunnel a target - hey, it worked for me :3

overall, Druids are amazing healers in a group situation because you can be peeled, and chances are you won't die fast because you are un-oomable. Although boomkin have quite a high aoe damage and sustained damage, their single target burst is shocking and soloing healers on your own will be impossible. Resto has some nice heals but in an arena situation lacks pressure and control. Feral is brilliant with a healer - roll on those 10k + fb's on pve nubs :3
from my experience, resto Druids can be countered a lot though. Can only really hot one person at a time so if you get switched on and you have no hots on you, you will have to pop a lot of Cds. Rogues for example can sap you, wait for yours hots to be removed then open on you with their insane opener burst. Try all specs it's up to you but rdruids are definately worst healers for 2v2.
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im going feral mainspec and resto off spec, what are some good bis sets for both? how much rezil should i aim for?
sprint and trinket to get out of roots to avoid being globalled by frost mages but one they are on cooldown you have to either sit there and take it and get dispelled

Just clarifying, changing form no longer breaks snares?
im going feral mainspec and resto off spec, what are some good bis sets for both? how much rezil should i aim for?

Feral go 4 set t6, 2 set brutal, swp legs and helm, gem around 400 resi.

Resto depends on your team, i played with 770 resi in 3s which was maazing when i got switched to but if you play with partners that tend to be the target of choice more than yourself, aim around 640 resi, 2 x 2set brutal, swp legs, jp belt and boots, jc trinket

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