Dropping professions clarification.

It's professions time on my 19 offensive twink priest. I took herbalism, obviously, and then leveled engineering for the head and trinket. I want to know, if I drop Engineering, will I still be able to;

A) Get the stat bonus and keep the hat and trinket equipped.

B) Equip and re-equip the items.

One final question. Is Alchemy a good second profession? Mixology + [item]Lesser Mana Potion[/item] sounds like a pretty nice (540) mana mix, meaning I could swap out some of the enchants. Not too mention [item]Healing Potion[/item] making a 540hp pot.

Thanks in advance,

Audiofreak said:
I want to know if I drop Engineering will I still get the hat and trinket bonuses and be able to re-equip them. Also, is Alchemy a good second profession?

If you drop Engineering your goggles and trinket will become red and you won't get any stats from them and you won't be able to re-equip them. If you read the tab for Mixology you will notice it says:
You receive an increased effect and duration when you drink any elixir or flask you are able to make.

AKA, it ONLY boosts elixirs and flask, no potion boost. It's still good to have since there are some nice elixirs at 19, but I'd say keep skinning and herb anyway since you can't use elixirs in arena and in some premades.
Duckhunt said:
If you drop Engineering your goggles and trinket will become red and you won't get any stats from them and you won't be able to re-equip them. If you read the tab for Mixology you will notice it says:

AKA, it ONLY boosts elixirs and flask, no potion boost. It's still good to have since there are some nice elixirs at 19, but I'd say keep skinning and herb anyway since you can't use elixirs in arena and in some premades.

Oh woah, I got it all wrong!

Ok, thankyou very much- that's sorted me out.

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