Dreadmist vs. Shadowcraft


1 Haste vs 1 Agi +1 hit

Depend what you want I guess.
1 haste gives you 2.6% more hits, 1 hit gives about 2,77% more hits. The haste from dreadmist is usefull if you are hitcapped in pvp with hit food or if you duel some other low lvl twink, otherwise not.

Don't use it in pve, you are never ever hitcapped in pve, if the mobs are strong enough to make a youtube vid about it. Midsummer hit food + 7 hit on gear, SW yet I still missed at those lvl 8-11 mobs -_-


Shadowcraft also give more armor and 1 agi and looks more badass on rogues imo.

It will also prevent ppl from telling you your gear is bad since you got a caster boa on a rogue, I had lots of ppl tell me that my shoulders suck when I was running around in Goldshire with druid shoulders to get that 1 resilience for pvp instead of the 1 agi the shoulders give. I almost made a macro about it to have along with my "how to get AGM" and "How to get pouch" macros to use every time someone asked.
imo - shadowcraft is stat-wise simply superior

+12 armor

+.56 dodge from agi

+.45 crit from agi

+2 attack power from agi

hit vs haste I look at this way:

1) anything that haste helps with at lvl 1, hit helps with also

2) the opposite isn't necessarily true, if you can't hit it (mobs > lvl26ish) haste is worthless

3) less swings with more hits > more swings with fewer hits...especially if you're using proc weapons

that's not to say that i don't use the dreadmist helm. in level one pvp against a hunter/caster it makes sense since your armor benefit is worthless against magic damage and more swings vs kiters is good

however, stat wise, your chance to hit is greater, you hit harder, crit more, and have extra mitigation with shadowcraft

as stated above, it is just easier to wear what is expected than to answer all the questions! that's the reason i have battleworn thrash blade equipped most of the time even though the blessed hammer of grace does more dmg. i just make sure to macro switch all my gear before i battle.

oh, and dreadmist makes you look dumb too :)

*edit* armor fixt ... thanks Djaeb ... stupid blizz changing things during my 6 month break
if you are hit capped for the level the way i see it is dont go for more hit but if your not hit capped go for shadowcraft lol
imbao said:
if you are hit capped for the level the way i see it is dont go for more hit but if your not hit capped go for shadowcraft lol

As a level 1 twink, there's not really a hit hardcap you can get. The hit rating from armor and enchants is too low to ever be capped vs a level 20+. The additional agility gives some crit and AP as a rogue/hunter, so in all fairness, there's no way the dreadmist set will ever be better for a level 1 rogue or hunter. The slight haste boost doesn't make up for the loss of other stats.
Agi is hardly usefull compared to haste. SS got nerfed and that made agi based gears suck. That slight haste boost would beat the minor agi boost anyday of the week, I hardly consider agi in a question like this, haste is so much better.

hit is ofc even better unless you are hit capped wich only happens when u duel other lvl 1 twinks or lvl 5 twinks. or if you are farming those bracelets for love festival.

Still agi is not useless, it helps a bit.

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