@Drayner RE: Lokdtite


Sherlock said:
Greeting Drayner.

I read you blog


It said you played under fake names a bunch. I think I know that you were Lokdtite in Stormstrike a few months ago. Your blog post said you play fake names.

you made this post showcasing this lock in stormstrike that nobody even know who it was.


Then you post about the crapstar halfbreed here.

Admit that you are lockdtite.

Who cares? Amiright
I'm so fake...
Drayner is also in charge of mmo-champion.com

Ever notice how both sites always go under maintenance at the same time?

I'm officially derailing this thread to "The Drayner Conspiracy Thread". So go post wild accusations on who he might be.

I'll start

  • MMO Champion Owner
  • Jack Bauer
  • Chuck Norris (maybe... just maybe.)
Rip said:
Drayner is also in charge of mmo-champion.com

Ever notice how both sites always go under maintenance at the same time?

I'm officially derailing this thread to "The Drayner Conspiracy Thread". So go post wild accusations on who he might be.

I'll start

  • MMO Champion Owner
  • Jack Bauer
  • Chuck Norris (maybe... just maybe.)

I know its a long shot, but he might also be Drayner. Guess we will never know.
If it was him he is not the cool, nice guy you all think he is. He emote spams and is down right rude and ugly in the forums.
OMG! What if Im Drayner and I dont know it?

lol who cares if hes more then 1 person. For all we know he is...

Osama Bin Laden

Barack Obama

Enough of the conspiracy theories. :)

1. I am not the owner of MMO Champs :)

2. I don't deny being Chuck Norris.

3. I won't comment on the other allegations.

4. I will not confirm or deny the OPs allegation either.

I admitted recently that I have played many different toons, some locks, some hunters, etc in other battlegroups under different names. I admit that. I also admit that I didn't always play or act like "Drayner". I have been rude in other lives, but I seldom ever emote other than /wave or /hug. That said, I do not plan to devulge any of my identities. My apologies to the Op, but I don't plan to discuss this any longer. Thanks for your understanding.
We are all Drayner. Drayner is a collective of cybernetic organisms. You will be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own.... RESISTANCE IS FUTILE.
Sherlock said:
I read you blog

i like read you blog very good happy times!
Xposure said:
something off-topic.. what has happened to the monthly random post winner (you know, a random poster gets a TCG tabard)

I missed this month. PM to remind me at the end of this month and I will do a drawing.
i must say it, i am drayner undercover !

but there is one thing i am not... a cybernetic organisms !

for i am a vampire in search of more blood !

or an alien in search of love, one or the other !

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