DPS shammy


Hey guys,

I was thinking about making a dps shammy but i have no clue on how to go about making one. Whats better elemental or enhancement and if anyone knows a good 29 dps shammy could you send me the link.

my shaman is mainly just for fc, haven't tried ele, and i don't play him often unless in groups. i'm not too sure which is better for dps right now and which will be post 3.2 but elemental shaman can hurt, dont see too many enhance around to compare though. i would think for enh dps though that Enh Spec would probably be the way you would want to spec.

and maybe Ele Spec for ele, someone else might know a little better about the ele stuff though since i dont know the spell dmg coefficients for shaman spells
my shaman is mafiozo in sig. hes built as a sort of damage/survivability/healing weird spec but it works amazingly well for me. i can pump out huge damage with lightningbolt/earth shock. earth shock crits for the 350's with orc racial if i remember correctly and ive hit lightningbolt for nearly 500 so theres huge burst to be had without even having the crit bonus talent in ele.
~850 is not huge burst if 2 spells have to crit (each ~11% chance).

The problem with shammies is that there's a lot of tools they get later on, such as WF or the reduced cast time on bolts. In my opinion, Ele can work out if you stack SP as if there's no tomorrow, but Enh without WF is like a warrior without deff stance. If you want to DPS - roll another class imo. If you want to play shaman - roll resto.
Neratho said:
~850 is not huge burst if 2 spells have to crit (each ~11% chance).

The problem with shammies is that there's a lot of tools they get later on, such as WF or the reduced cast time on bolts. In my opinion, Ele can work out if you stack SP as if there's no tomorrow, but Enh without WF is like a warrior without deff stance. If you want to DPS - roll another class imo. If you want to play shaman - roll resto.

Says it all
I played a 29 orc shaman on the murlock village (300+ spellpower ftw :p)

Oke you cant reach that in on blizz server but you can reach around 200 at least.

I loved to play it.

I will soon when 3.2 is released go for level 29 and gear up in melee and spell set.

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