game 1: this actually doesnt prove your point whatsoever, you make obvious misplays (so do they, overlapping fear/poly) and when both teams don't play at their best does the warrior with crusader win? how about that - yes
It was 5 games not 1, I just picked the last one because it was the most relevant, and therefore I happened to pick the game in which I missed two shears. Shit happens, the amount of time that I play a class with kick compared to mistweaver is very little.
game 2: hunnybuns gets 2 crusader procs over the entirety of the game - these were miles apart and were not stacked
lucas gets no crusader stacks
you on shaman miss play by missing the kick (the only shear you casted that game was missed) and your warrior suddenly gets 2 crusader procs and wins.
1. You obviously can't watch buffs in a video and are just grasping for an excuse for the double arms warrior team to lose. 4:21 - Lucas has a crusader proc. 4:27 - He reprocs crusader.
Wait a minute. The one defending the double arms warrior team is complaining that the single arms warrior team got luckier procs than the double arms warrior team?? THEY WERE QUEING DOUBLE ARMS WARRIOR!!! IN 3s! It shouldn't have mattered how many crusader procs that they got, all that they had to do was SIT ON THE TWO THOUSAND HEALTH ENHANCE SHAMAN! Is our arms warrior just not supposed to use crusader when they are using crusader, just to increase our chance of losing? Yeah I missed a kick, of course it was my only shear considering after that our entire team was eating two rends to the face for a large majority of the match, and I was offhealing like crazy. Im not rank 1 at shearing, and I don't pretend to be.
If we are testing things for the Twink Cup here, your sader's should be limited to none
1. It was an off-comment joke before the match started about testing things for twinkcup lmao, if that was actually taken seriously then I apologize to you.
You got me with a double sader rend tick and in actuality, it looks to me like you did absolutely nothing to win that game for your team other than lavalash for 300.
I did absolutely nothing to help my team win. Lmao, let's see.
1. Off-healed to save myself and others.
2. Spread pressure with 35 second flame shocks ticking with elemental force.
3. My missed shear was actually insanely worth, because it forced an early warstomp on absolutely nothing else from HB. I'll trade a 15 second CD for a 2 minute AOE CC any day. Was it intentional? No. Did it work in our favor? yes.
4. Missed shear on daddy ( perhaps gave them overconfidence? idk lmao was a solid misplay on my part. Shit happens)
5. PANDA SLAPPED A GOBLIN JUMP TO MAKE UP FOR IT! Prevented him from kiting us around los behind boxes.
6. Caused daddy to kick me 2.5 seconds before he died ( not sure why he stepped towards me and into lava lash range just as he kicked me but whatever)
So yeah, I (and my teammates would certainly agree) was slightly useful in that final arena. Obviously I am taking nothing away from them, the heals were great and the hard switch to shaman was on point, but I definitely felt useful.
Either way, it was a game that we had no business winning, I could care less how many crusader procs that they got, they were scum enough to Q double arms warrior into 3s, and paid the price with shitty RNG I suppose. ALSO, I am an enhance shaman with TWO THOUSAND HEALTH. If they literally just sat me, sheared the shaman on a cast, belf charged to him and torrented out, then they win the game. Crusader or not, there is no way I am living through two rends + two mortal strikes without receiving heals from the disc.