Does anyone has fury warrior 12,13 and/or 14?


New Member
I've been doing some raw testing, but no enough numbers to have a sound decision. So far I've seen 13 being the most optimal, since 11,12 does almost the same dps, therefore losing efficiency cuz of mobs HP increase. But at 13 the DPS increase by around 26% with WW and 40-50% with ST because of Raging Blow, making the AoE kill time close to 11 and boss kill time 10-20% faster (not taking into account ooze, with ooze anything from 10-14 does pretty much the same time). At 14, the damage was super close to 13, making it less efficient, but by gaining heroic leap, you could save time with distance, altho Idk how efficient that could be in the long run when you have plent of speed in gear. Therefore my question, does someone here has fury warriors above 11? Would be nice to hear other's perspective, since I don't wanna gear different toons just for an in-depth testing (the testings were made with heirlooms only + lifestealing)
There are a few factors to consider.
Hp pools can be different even for people of the same level for 2 reasons. if someone is over 30% xp or in a CT that isnt bfa.
the 30% xp thing probably wont be fixed anytime soon but the CT health pools will be fixed next patch.

Most people go as low as they can go for the "general" build in order to have "more" damage.
Some people think about future proofing where as others just bandwagon.
It's good that you're testing warrior at a higher level than most. You're most likely correct in your assessment.
Surv hunter is also slightly better at 13 than 11 since it has some aoe and can also 1-2 shot trash like an 11 can.

With a good ooze proc rate a 15 Fury Warrior would actually be bis due to additional speed from Improved Enrage. Albeit requiring lucky ooze procs and enrages to outshine the LS proc damage of an 11.

This is the main reason why I want scaling to be fixed so that all levels are able to be pve twinked (like 7.3.5 or earlier). It's only a couple more levels and the toolkit gets so much better for most spec.

I have 10 Surv hunters used for my HP recording project (halted until CT health pools are fixed). Their damage from Raptor Strike takes until around 16 to start falling off. Trash dies fast 11-20 but bosses start to take some time when ooze isnt used.

I personally wish that dungeons still required level 15 to use RDF. I think the scaling at 15 would be more accurate to what a twink used to be.

On your 14 is your xp above or below 30%? use this addon to check without turning xp on/off again.

If you are NA we can test your 14 vs my 11 in a duo run or rdf run.

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