Do you Workout?

dont get me wrong, better be like this guy than fat but pull ups while you weigh less than a 12yo girl arent difficult

edit: just realised youre the person.. eat more carbs, it wont hurt you
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Missing some enchants
Your're saying you had to workout to get like that o.o
i work out....wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle, yeah.

btw, almost every muscle group you "showed" off is body fat dependent. everyone has abs, but you only show a '6 pack' if youre at super low bf%. so until you actually hit the gym and get some traps, lats, arms (+ forearms) and legs youre basically just showing that you have a high metabolism/eat very little & do some basic lifts. no big muscle groups/mass. also super agressive music! chill, brah.
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hungry skeleton pls go

btw twinking in real life must be a real pain in the arse :eek:
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1. eat 3000 calories a day
2. use creatine
3. continue to workout. if you don't workout you will just be fat
4. ???
5. progress

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