Do you feel guilt?

Do you feel bad when your team faceroll enemys?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 42.2%
  • No

    Votes: 26 57.8%

  • Total voters


Do you feel bad when you face undergeared enemy team or do you enjoy faceroll?
Do you feel bad when you face undergeared enemy team or do you enjoy faceroll?
at times, but alliance does it lot to me so idgaf most of the times unless i know the guy

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i farm every 20 i see on my 24 shadow priest. its so easy and i dont feel bad about it at all.
I just play as I always do, trying to finish the game up as quickly as possible and if they're weak it will be boring but also over quickly. Not a lot of time for suffering.

On a side note; how do I embed an image/gif in a comment? :confused:


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People from Magtheridon F2P chat will know what I'm talking about, and probably some oldschoolers too.
In one post some time ago there was this "F2P code" posted, that back in the days it was considered extremely inappropriate to que with 24s (and a 24 in F2P chat was kicked immediatelly!). Besides that there was this rule (and I'm pretty sure it was brought by [MENTION=8138]Kincaide[/MENTION] ) that undergeared people in your team should be guided here, to check out twinkinfo, and undergeareds on opposing team should be treated lightly - finish game fast, don't farm.

So yes, I feel bad when people from my team farm undergeared people. I let myself do it one time in my F2P career, while getting Wrecking Ball achievement, and won't do that ever again.
The core of every ''random nonrated pvp'' in the majority of MMOs:

beating on noobs so u can feel good about yourself is the reason why most people even que for pvp.

Why would anyone feel guilt if thats the exact thing they qued to do
beating on noobs so u can feel good about yourself is the reason why most people even que for pvp.

Actually, I queue for challenging games. Beating on 24s is what it's all about!

A lot of the times I see under-geared players they are either jajas or bots - hard to do much with either but kill quickly and play the objective. There's a big difference between a faceroll and a GY farm-fest and I don't think the OP was referring to the latter.
I don't feel guilty when my team steamrolls the other team. But I do feel bad because that's one more missed opportunity for a competitive game, and the possibility of a few more players giving up instead of trying to improve.
Actually, I queue for challenging games. Beating on 24s is what it's all about!

A lot of the times I see under-geared players they are either jajas or bots - hard to do much with either but kill quickly and play the objective. There's a big difference between a faceroll and a GY farm-fest and I don't think the OP was referring to the latter.

wilaycoooooo the #1 troll.

Ok let me break it down for youuuuu homie

First, lets have an analysis with the frame of mind that the vast majority if WoW battleground participants are interested in: Do they want to win against similar challenging opponents or improve their skill and get better.

nope, few people who participate in WoW battlegrounds are actually interested in these things.

Almost no one plays WoW pvp to prove their "skill" to themselves or others. They play WoW pvp to enjoy themselves. What exactly constitutes this enjoyment varies with each individual person.

The majority are just looking to enjoy themselves by messing around in BGs and mindlessly winning against and beating up on noobs, while still retaining those convenient above-mentioned scapegoats(24s, hunters, whatever, ) to siphon off any negative feelings they might retain about the experience.

There are a few people out there that really enjoy playing the underdog and overcoming adversity through their own volition. i'm much the same way, and i'm the same way in real life too - i love beating assholes at their own game(s) - it just never gets old.

Unfortunately the best way to play an equal pvp match is do arenas, and quite frankly not many ppl are interested in arenas
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I feel empathy when there's one guy trying incredibly hard to carry but his/her team completely sucks and gets facerolled anyways.

In general, nah.
OMG. Where do I start? More to the point, should I even bother? You either have the reading comprehension of a preschooler or your NPD is so rampant you just can't see or hear anything other than your own delusions of grandeur. Once again you are doing your best to derail a thread with your trolling. No wonder people put you on ignore.

wilaycoooooo the #1 troll.
Here is an example, and a crappy one at that. Say ur working on a job and you have two options

1)work really hard with a huge chance of failure (ie players with an equal amount of skill)

2)Or work leisurely with a 100% chance of success yet with the same prize( the noobs)

Come on think realistically here, obviously everyone is going to pick choice 2, there's a reason why we live in a results-oriented socioeconomic system - because results get wins.

tl;dr almost no one gives a shit about scrubs. If you dont want to faceroll you would do arenas.

done. case closed.
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Not really. It's all fair game. We all have to gear up and go through it.

What I really love? Winning against a 24 on my 20, even though I'm not that geared and having to use skill to win.

Sure, it doesnt' happen as often as I get nuked by a 24 with MoP enchants on their wep. But when it does? It's rewarding. It makes me feel good knowing hey, he has the advantage, but I played my class right, and I won.

Furthermore, I never get mad when I lose to 24s. I just don't see it as being reasonable. Why get mad if you lose to someone who significantly outgears you and has the advantage? Just give it your all, and move on.

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