Do not delete your d-1000 rings

This is for all hunters. In beta you only need like 3% hit or something which equates to about 9. With the nerf of the rings i believe the best option now is to go d-1000 and an agility or monkey ring im not sure which. (im thinking agi as its gotta be better than 5-5)
You would still be running the head boa for crit though. Wouldnt that hit cap you?
Im pretty sure it has 9 hit rating.
Gnomish boots with 10 hit/ 10 crit would suffice for hit cap just by themselves it would seem, if 9 is the new number.
Nevertheless, people should never really delete gear on a twink, you never know how stats will change, and what wil be valuable tomorrow!
...or since 70% of your opponents are going to be lvl. 20, you could forgo any extra hit. I'm reading that you have 100% chance to hit anything 3 lvls under you...

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