Diablo 3 Name / Region / Playstyle List -- People From TI


Hey all.

I just purchased D3 today and am looking forward to my first ever experience with Diablo. I never played the first or second, so I think I may be in for a bit of a treat.

What I want to do is compile a list of character names and regions/servers that people are playing on so that everyone has someone to play with if they are so inclined.

Post with your character name / region / playstyle (softcore / hardcore) and I will add you to the list.


I just now purchased this :)

I played diablo 1 before I was even in school.
I played diablo 2 all the way through middle school and even partly through highschool.
Now that Diablo 3 is out, i feel like i cant go back to WoW.

My Battle.Net Gamer Tag is MrCer. I'll post more info on my charters later on :)
I will be trying it soon, I have never played and know nothing about it. Made a toon on beta, ran back and forth a few times then logged.
I've got a lvl 11 Monk at the moment. Enjoying the game so far. I'll give out my info in PMs in case anyone wants to track me down.

Extremely fun game =) Lvl 31 Witch Doctor atm. I played 13 hours yesterday, didn't have time to play at Tuesday so I'm behind my friends (they are lvl 40+)

Atychiphobia#2874 / EU / first char should be softcore righty? ^^
32 Witch Doctor, US(?) Offensive and Defensive playstyle (CC if needed, idgaf.) I work a lot; deal with it :3 Just finished normal. Working on Nightmare and then going for Hell next... Also have a side project with my fiance for hardcore... Should be fun.

drop a PM for e-mail. I'll be farming the "Secret Cow Level"
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Leonidas#1885 if anyone would like to Real-ID me.

I play on the region U.S. West.

I currently play a level 60 Monk named Leonidas. I've been playing him since day 1 and he is the only toon I have been playing until recently.

I also contain a level 32 Barbarian in Hardcore mode.

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