Denying 3th cap


So over the last few week if seen more and more people defending the base while their team's graveyard is getting farmed. When i try to get the 3th flag to stop the gy farming from going on i keep seeing some people who decide to stay in base and try to do everything to prevent me from getting the flag to base (food buffs, swiftpots, battle standard, lifeblood and trinket.) Even when im nearly in base i have rogues popping on me. I dont understand whats wrong with these people. Is getting farmed for 15 minutes really worth that one kb?
So over the last few week if seen more and more people defending the base while their team's graveyard is getting farmed. When i try to get the 3th flag to stop the gy farming from going on i keep seeing some people who decide to stay in base and try to do everything to prevent me from getting the flag to base (food buffs, swiftpots, battle standard, lifeblood and trinket.) Even when im nearly in base i have rogues popping on me. I dont understand whats wrong with these people. Is getting farmed for 15 minutes really worth that one kb?

For some people it's the fact that even though their team is incapable of leaving the gy, if they CAN stop the efc they WILL. Common sense may say to give it up and let it end, but giving up just rubs the wrong way sometimes. I won't say I've never been in this kind of a mood, I get a kick out of a farming team that fails to get the last cap in cause in their distraction they didn't play properly.
It actually sounds to me that those are the only players in the BG with any competitive spirit. You should be complaining about the 7-8 players on the other side getting farmed in their graveyard, not the 1-2 players that are actively trying to prevent your team from capping that 'thirth' flag.

Maybe their intentions where objective play, but there was no way they could win the bg. Our team was alot stronger and the 7 other players in their team got farmed like crazy. And instead of accepting that they lost they full focus on guarding the flag from a player who wants to return it untill our entire team comes in takes the flag and continues to camp. This way those 3 "objective" players ruin it for the other 7 players in the graveyard.
This way those 3 "objective" players ruin it for the other 7 players in the graveyard.
Actually I think the 7 players in the gy are the ruiners, since if they were any good/ had gear they probably wouldn't be getting camped in the first place. Why should the people who had no problem staying out of the gy stop having fun cause of what their useless teammates are doing? Yeah it would be nice to end it but they don't /have/ to let it end.

No you might not win like that, but I can see why people would do it. And I have done it.... and I've actually won games where we delayed the last cap long enough for our bad gy camped-fellows to /afk out and rolled new (better) players. Those games are definitely not the norm but it happens (and are the #1 reason I never camp when I can cap).
Lol, sorry. Did you just wonder why someone killed you in WSG? While your team is farming them?
Kinda self explanatory tbh... YOU pissed them off, Id pop every god damn CD id have to kill someone to make my WSG wait time worth while.
If you don't enjoy being killed, well go play another game if youre gonna QQ about it on threads..
Actually I think the 7 players in the gy are the ruiners, since if they were any good/ had gear they probably wouldn't be getting camped in the first place.

All you need to get farmed is to be against a superior team that wants to farm you. If your team has 5 good players and 5 scrubs, they will all get farmed equally by a team with 10 good players.

The only players that won't get farmed reliably in those situations are stealthers, which is why the OP was complaining about rogues trying to stop him.
Lol, sorry. Did you just wonder why someone killed you in WSG? While your team is farming them?
Kinda self explanatory tbh... YOU pissed them off, Id pop every god damn CD id have to kill someone to make my WSG wait time worth while.
If you don't enjoy being killed, well go play another game if youre gonna QQ about it on threads..

I actually had alot of fun that bg finding a way to kill all 3 of them. I just dont understand how people can be so selfish to make their team get farmed for 15 minutes. But if you think i didn't like it you're wrong, i loved it! It was so satisfying when my plans to kill them eventually worked. I just dont understand how people can hate on the only person trying to stop the farming.


I think you mean "3rd" ...

Yeah my english has become kind of terrible over the last few years. I will try to focus on it next time:p.
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I deny the 3rd cap as a Rogue if I can, even if my team is being farmed.


Because I don't think people with 500 hp should be able to cap, nor should s-keyers, nor should solo runners and I like to prevent Ironman if I can. If you can stop me as I try to stop you, all the power to you. Otherwise, I will drop that FC in the tun and sit on the Ally roof until a new one comes along. If your team is too busy farming to escort, then that's not my problem.
The only players that won't get farmed reliably in those situations are stealthers, which is why the OP was complaining about rogues trying to stop him.
You can reliably stop being farmed as a non-stealther by not ressing.

I just dont understand how people can be so selfish to make their team get farmed for 15 minutes.
I think the people making them get farmed were on your team.

I do get your point though, and have made the decision to allow a 3rd cap we could have stopped. I have also occasionally experienced a winning game by delaying a 3rd cap and getting better players, like Kearbear said.
Lol, sorry. Did you just wonder why someone killed you in WSG? While your team is farming them?
Kinda self explanatory tbh... YOU pissed them off, Id pop every god damn CD id have to kill someone to make my WSG wait time worth while.
If you don't enjoy being killed, well go play another game if youre gonna QQ about it on threads..

Thus makes you bad. WSG is about capping flags, not blowing every CD you have, to kill one player. When those CD would of been usefull killing EFC.

The author of the thread wasn't QQing, he just asked a question. If your QQ'ing about long wait times reroll horde.
This is one of those questions that boggles my mind too. I've sat on both sides enough now though to know the answer. It's really satisfying when the other team is smashing yours to know that you've at least prevented them from gaining extra honor in 3 capping. You can tell when a team is going to start being farmed and one of the best places to hang as a non-stealther is in your own base. Personally, I usually only try to prevent a 3-cap if there's a few minutes left.

Being on the other side of this, it is annoying when you're trying to do the "right" thing by ending gy camping and capping. If someone on my team is willing to get flag, I will go with them to help and will accompany them all the way back. But I've given up on trying to get the 3rd flag alone. I just sit somewhere or go practice jumps.
It actually sounds to me that those are the only players in the BG with any competitive spirit. You should be complaining about the 7-8 players on the other side getting farmed in their graveyard, not the 1-2 players that are actively trying to prevent your team from capping that 'thirth' flag.

You should be complaining about your entire team camping when they could easily make a team push for flag and end the game.
What actually happens is this

1. Team A overpowers Team B and pushes them back to the GY.
2. Team A begins to just midfarm Team B while one or two people run the first two flags.
3. Eventually a few from Team B AFK out and new members join and instantly realize the situation so they stay in the flag room to defend.
4. Objective player wants to end the game and run the last flag and can't because the rest of the team is GY farming.
Haha, this brings back an awesome memory from a pug game where the other team had a few 24's and of course we got GY camped. Well they held on to the flag the entire game, so when it was time for them to go for the cap at 4 minutes left with 9 stacks, a few stealthies and I hung out in their base and raped the 24 FC. We did this several times in fact, right by the cap. They never got that 3rd cap. I love those moments in pug games where you find those people who will coordinate with you and make funny shit happen.
Props for finding a new aspect of this to discuss. I've seen this happen a few times, and never really thought about it.

In this situation, I think the 8 players repeatedly rezzing are ruining it for the guy denying the 3rd cap, not the other way around. By the time this situation comes up, anyone with a brain should have figured out to stop resurrecting.

When I'm on the receiving end of a gy camp, I'd definitely remain rational and let the flag go--especially if there were a few min on the timer for me to save myself. But if someone wants to vent some frustration by unloading on a solo player going for the flag, and maybe gain some (irrational) gratification by denying you your 6 honor for a flag cap, I think they've suffered enough to have earned the right to do that.

I'd also mention that it isn't necessarily clear to the deny-er that you're taking the flag with the purpose of capping it. For all he knows, you might be grabbing it to parade around in front of the GY camp, and keep others from capping.

The rest of the defending team has already declined to shorten the GY camp, there's no obligation to shorten the game for their sake.

None of this makes the farming team any less of a bunch of dickbags for farming, of course.

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