Demo Locks?



Are people sleeping on Demo locks or do they actually suck that bad? I leveled my lock to 19 and been playing around. I did instancea 15-19 as Demo and easily did 70% of all the dmg. I feel like with the amount of demons you can spawn it becomes somewhat viable and more fun than affliction.

I'd love to hear some opinions.
[doublepost=1537603740,1537596652][/doublepost]I wanna add I have not tried it out in pvp. But I feel like the AoE potential is massive and with 5-6 imps up in a fight, you can do some serious damage.
It has low mobility, you can do good dmg if stay behind your team, but compared to other classes it is missing a lot of things. I dont think it would be better then arc mage or fury but you can try PvP and give more info.
Felguard is since level 35 or something. He can help a lot. I feel naked without hin.
I was maining demo back in cata, but it had also his swag with metamorphosis and I miss that now Q_Q
As said above it does pretty ok damage when protected but the moment you get focused by something that can interupt your demon summons your damage drops real low
It has low mobility, you can do good dmg if stay behind your team, but compared to other classes it is missing a lot of things. I dont think it would be better then arc mage or fury but you can try PvP and give more info.
Felguard is since level 35 or something. He can help a lot. I feel naked without hin.
I was maining demo back in cata, but it had also his swag with metamorphosis and I miss that now Q_Q

I see yeah.

You got felguard at level 12 though, now.
Aaaaaaaaall right. I´m makin myself a warlock now
I feel like there's some burst potential in the Talent that enhances the Felguard bladestorm damage by 400% with a 1 min cooldown. Seems to do decent amount of damage.
Aaaaaaaaall right. I´m makin myself a warlock now
I've done my first BG, still not fully geared but did pretty well. The lack of dots doesn't feel terrible if you get a Hand of Gul'dan or Dreadstalkers cast of. You'll still be able to keep moving while they get damaged from your demons and you can cast a fear to get some distance and drain life for a few ticks of damage.

If you are allowed to cast though, vs ranged etc. Then you feel good. Vs disc priest I manage to get a full army of demons on them and I can easily stay alive with Drain life and maybe a healthstone. Also it's definitely more fun than Affliction, which is just dot and run. That's my opinion atleast.

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