Decent builds?

these profiles are broken...playin a belf is a no go!

the ret build needs LotV to cap hit + 9/9 green bear boots + maybe an assault band.

the holy build needs a green lens + armor enchant on cloak + turtle scale gear to swap in + 12/12 or healing mail pants + 9/9 or healing mail boots + dual underworld bands + deadmans hand + green whelp armor + green of healing shield + green tower + mallet with int enchant + raging berserkers + 12/12 mail headslot item + deathchill + bonefingers

if you face some good melees, your only chance to shine is surviveing stuns'n'fear'n'interrupts
Bansil said:
these profiles are broken...playin a belf is a no go!

the ret build needs LotV to cap hit + 9/9 green bear boots + maybe an assault band.

the holy build needs a green lens + armor enchant on cloak + turtle scale gear to swap in + 12/12 or healing mail pants + 9/9 or healing mail boots + dual underworld bands + deadmans hand + green whelp armor + green of healing shield + green tower + mallet with int enchant + raging berserkers + 12/12 mail headslot item + deathchill + bonefingers

if you face some good melees, your only chance to shine is surviveing stuns'n'fear'n'interrupts

This ^^. Follow that like it's your bible.
Well of course but LoTV is a .1% chance to drop and I only know one pally who has that. Like a said these sets are made of readily avalible gear, I will slowly upgrade as I am able too.

That being said, assault band is only 2 stam and 4 AP vs 8 agil, which I need to work agil into the set as well, same thing can be said for worn running boots; without the two my crit rating drops to 16 or so, not worth it.

I see that your going for more armor with the holy set but the loss of pure stats doesn't seem to be equivilant. Also an int enchant? My SP is already fairly low since I was focusing mostly on stats, but then again I often am missing something so maybe you or someone can clarify, thanks for the reply though :D
in 7/8 of all available armor slots you wear 1leather and 6cloth items.

turtle scale gear increases armor + SP.

12/12 eagle mail headslot item is +1stat (not counting spirit) and increases armor.

stat or healing boots/legs will increase armor + either stats or SP. find a balance.

the int enchanted weapon is used to start off, switching to the SP weapon after using up the mana.

15Sp wrists / 20SP gloves is max + 40armor leg kit.

all the things i posted is mostly additional or preferable gear. get the things you had in your profile too.

your great benefit as pally is outlasting heavy melee attack. gimping this is not the best choice. having different gearing options to react on more or less melees in the opposing team is KING!

if you just want to have ONE gearset maxed out and enchanted, get a balanced one, not an almost full cloth one.

do not use the aegis...even a green eagle one is a better option (prefer a green tower/of healing combo).

Edit: armor IS a stat...i play a druid, i know what im talkin about^^
you got me wrong...for a balanced set, do not throw away every stat for armor...i'll edit a profile into this post.


swap weapon/shield to HoR/SP and green of healing after using up the mana/HP.

i prefer the AB trinket for BGs.

if a 12/12 or perfect healing mail leg pops up on AH, get it. but necros are easier to get most of the time, even if they are not cheap.

if you can not get 9/9 mail boots, encarmine is OK...but you should search for the mail ones.

if you are not leveling engi, use either whisperwind (leather), raging berserkers (mail), or greens.

for BGs i like a hybrid setup. in arena holy seems to be the way to go.

example for hybrid talents:
btw, if you are in a BG with a good rogue that notices that you are a skilled and powerful healer, you will be under pressure most of the time. he will team up with a pally/warry and try to kill you in stunlock/interrupts. with a stunlock + kick/gouge + fear/pummel or pallystun you are out of business for quite some time. if you can not eat some of the melee burst, you wont get out of it often.
Thanks for all the help, I have narrowed it down to just my glyphs. Here is what I came up with; I think it's about as good as it gets for 39 holy pally. v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

Ok so question up front would be, BoK or BoW, if I go for BoW I can get 5% less mana spent on spells and another random of my chosing. However, I hear that warlocks are a hudge problem for us so I could go for glyph of turn evil and glyph of exorcism. Exorcism will probably kill a warlock pet in 2 or 3 hits and turn evil could eliminate them as a hudge threat. any suggestions?
First off, I'd highly recommend Boars Speed over +12 stam to boots.

Now, Im no expert on 39 paladins, but wouldnt the Glyph of Seal of Light be better than glyph of Seal of Wisdom? Unless you have to keep wisdom up to melee and get some mana back...

FoL seems a no-brainer for Glyph spot #1; allow me to recommend [item]Glyph of Salvation[/item]. A 2 min CD, its a little mini-Shield wall for 10 seconds, more than enough to get you out of LoS.

Remember thay Excorcism is soon going to be a 1.5 second cast, and casting it is going to give the lock a chance to lock your holy school. Deal with locks by stacking some shadow res (cloak, aura, 2x rings) and making sure to spec unyielding faith.

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