Dear Alk

I missed you so much I came back!!!
Useful thread is useful, keep this stuff in PMs instead of creating a new thread, @Whoever-threads are the least useful threads ever.
queque .
Spending all my nights,

All my money going out on the town

Doing anything just to get you off of my mind

But when the morning comes,

I'm right back where I started again

Trying to forget you is just a waste of time

Baby come back, any kind of fool could see

There was something in everything about you

Baby come back, you can blame it all on me

I was wrong, and I just can't live without you

All day long, wearing a mask of false bravado

Trying to keep up the smile that hides a tear

But as the sun goes down, I get that empty feeling again

How I wish to God that you were here

Now that I put it all together

Give me the chance to make you see

Have you used up all the love in your heart

Nothing left for me, ain't there nothing left for me
Tetrica said:
Useful thread is useful, keep this stuff in PMs instead of creating a new thread, @Whoever-threads are the least useful threads ever.

So is the opinions of a nobody, nonfactor who over values their own opinion.

Hi I am Krymore, and I am honestly sorry that for some reason you think I give a **** what you think on a public forum.

ANyway is was nice to meet you, thank you for posting in said useless thread and keeping it bumped and drawing more attention to it. Its mindless people like you that keep these forums interesting.

May I suggest you invest in some vasoline for the rash?!!! <3
So are the opinions of a nobody, non-factor.

You're a nobody as well.

Please keep your useless comments and witless remarks to yourself.

His comment was useful as he informed you that the PM system is in place to avoid threads like these. Furthermore, he wasn't trying to be witty, so well done pointing out his lack of wit.

There are enough mouth breathers on this forum without you trying to give them a run for their money.!!


Next time if there is any confusion refrain from replying to anything I post unless I formally invite you

This is a public forum, he is entitled to reply to any thread he pleases - aside from threads in the Moderator's Section obviously. Also, what is the confusion you're talking about? Tetrica merely pointed out the PM system to you and if you were to read the site rules you would find "@ threads" are frowned upon.

, that way your feelings won't get hurt!

Tetrica's feelings will definitely be hurt beyond repair following such a dreadful humiliation.
Krymore said:
So is the opinions of a nobody, nonfactor who over values their own opinion.

Hi I am Krymore, and I am honestly sorry that for some reason you think I give a **** what you think on a public forum.

ANyway is was nice to meet you, thank you for posting in said useless thread and keeping it bumped and drawing more attention to it. Its mindless people like you that keep these forums interesting.

May I suggest you invest in some vasoline for the rash?!!! <3

So is the opinions of a nobody, nonfactor who over values their own opinion.

Hi I am Krymore, and I am honestly sorry that for some reason you think I give a **** what you think on a public forum.

ANyway is was nice to meet you, thank you for posting in said useless thread and keeping it bumped and drawing more attention to it. Its mindless people like you that keep these forums interesting.

May I suggest you invest in some vasoline for the rash?!!! <3

Last edited by Krymore; Today at 02:00 PM.

OMG, Kry is back?!?!! I'm not that involved in the twinking scene anymore, leveled Jehuu/Alkaholic and I'm 78 now. Going 45-0 w/o a dedicated healer is fun and I have carpal tunnel from all the key binds. How have u been. Just read ur other post about using a mac. I have a Macbook Pro 15" Unibody Aluminum and WoW runs perfectly on it. Setup is cake and the only problem I have is that my videos aren't crisp and clean. I'll upload a vid for u to see an example. No fraps for the mac cause it has a built in recorder but IMO it looks like shit. Now, what was this I read about my girl coming back too? Did u 2 hook back up? Doing the friends thing?
Krymore said:
So is the opinions of a nobody, nonfactor who over values their own opinion.

Hi I am Krymore, and I am honestly sorry that for some reason you think I give a **** what you think on a public forum.

ANyway is was nice to meet you, thank you for posting in said useless thread and keeping it bumped and drawing more attention to it. Its mindless people like you that keep these forums interesting.

May I suggest you invest in some vasoline for the rash?!!! <3

Woah, you almost hurt my self-esteem(please, do not the sarcasm). If you expected an /emocut, you were sadly mistaken.

Hi there, I'm Tetrica, and I'm really sorry for making you believe that I thought someone that created a thread as useless as this - which would serve better as a PM - would see how stupid it is.

Nevertheless, I haven't really met you, and you're welcome when it comes to me pointing out your stupid threads, keeping it bumped and drawing attention to it. With a message as that I expected people like yourself to leave a witty remark about how much you care about me, my dogs and what Chuck Norris ate for breakfast - it isn't that hard seeing that after that you created a thread as useless as this.

I don't have a rash, I just don't feel like being productive.

Lastly, I just felt compelled to point out that I like that you edited it! Unfortunately I was unable to reply to your original message as I was at work.

<3 *wink*
I have the new 13 inch Macbook Pro, and WoW runs just fine on it.

My desktop is what I usually play on if I want to record... FRAPS sucks to record with imo, but it's really easy to set up.
wow doesn't require much...all you need is a lot of memory (because of the way blizzard codes their games)

my wow runs fine on my dell laptop that i bought a year ago for less than $700 Canadian after tax (599 before tax).

it doesn't even have a dedicated graphic card, yet wow runs smooth (indeed i set everything in video effects to minimum except "view distance")


and i get to own noobs with it

what in that picture shows owning noobs?

macs are fine if you feel like spending over 1k $ just on looks. but if you want power go pc
Alkaholic said:
Double LMAO @ "macs suck", what a maroon...

but...they do...already proved it on other threads
falkor said:
what in that picture shows owning noobs?

Macs are fine if you feel like spending over 1k $ just on looks. But if you want power go pc

well obviously getting a 2-2 draw with 11-5 and 1 flag capture is ownage falkor. You just can't see past your 1.3 flag cap ratio you baddie.
Hurpdurp said:
well obviously getting a 2-2 draw with 11-5 and 1 flag capture is ownage falkor. You just can't see past your 1.3 flag cap ratio you baddie.

ooooh now i c >.<

must b becasue i dont have black magik either

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