Dealing with Rogues.


Can anyone tell me any ways of spotting or dealing with rogues at a low level bracket? As I find I can only kill a rogue if I get passed their first two bursts of damage. I don't want to go to a plate class either..
Fear/stun them asap imo, then try to get away and stick a dot or two on them, then try to kite them but dont stay within range of shadowstep. As far as detecting them, unless they are terrible you shouldnt be able to find them.
It's kinda hard to stun/fear them because they usually sap me.
Setup a macro that target/dots nearest enemy. So when you see one of 'em nasty Rogues lurking in the shadows, *click* your macro. Boom out of stealth. You are at the advantage now.
Setup a macro that target/dots nearest enemy. So when you see one of 'em nasty Rogues lurking in the shadows, *click* your macro. Boom out of stealth. You are at the advantage now.

this is what i did on a priest with SWP

#showtooltip shadow word: pain


/cast shadow word: pain

this does very good at finding rogues, sorta like the sap macro rogues spam to get saps on rogues they haven't even seen yet

also works nice if opened on, hit the fear or bubble...then the SWP macro also keeps them from restealthing and NE will pop out of SM

a rogue will normally sap a priest first to get bubble down for opener and to hope you will trinket so they can resap you.

but in 19 bracket, a holy or disc priest played right can kill a rogue even if they got the opener. multiple rogues? not much anyone can do their
A priest should always be able to survive one to two Rogue attacks. Your macro is fine but you should put restraints for distance and more. I'm not near a computer so I can't check my own macro.
You should practise how to spell practice.
In many parts of the English speaking world (UK, Ireland, Australia, Canada, and South Africa) “practiceâ€￾ is the noun, “practiseâ€￾ the verb. However, in the U.S.A. the spelling “practiceâ€￾ is more often used for both the noun and the verb.
Notice how I used 'practise' as the verb in my reply and 'practice' as the direct object of the sentence, acting as a pronoun. As you can see he used 'practise' as a noun in his first sentence. Get rocked
I could swear you wrote both of the words with a C, o well guess I should get some sleep. But ofc it was a reply to the post above yours, right? ^^
One of the biggest advantages a rogue has is he can pick his/her own fight. I use a macro similar to Priest's shadow Pain but I use moon fire.

Rogues will try and go for you if your alone so try to stay with-in a group or near a healer. If they try and sap you in a group, create a macro to post in /bg and /s informing your team that your sapped.

Hopefully your team is good and they don't leave you hanging. As for dealing with them, not much I can say as I don't know your class.
One of the biggest advantages a rogue has is he can pick his/her own fight. I use a macro similar to Priest's shadow Pain but I use moon fire.

Rogues will try and go for you if your alone so try to stay with-in a group or near a healer. If they try and sap you in a group, create a macro to post in /bg and /s informing your team that your sapped.

Hopefully your team is good and they don't leave you hanging. As for dealing with them, not much I can say as I don't know your class.

I used saysapped, its a great addon. It tells you who sapped you, and also says: Sapped. Most of the time someone stops and hangs around until the sap wears off, that addon is great, i had it disabled one day and I really noticed the difference.
Go gnome roll engi use the instant stun run away until stun almost over then fear and keep running to your allis
From my experiance about 85 percent of all the rogues out there are easy pickings. Most of them die after I stun them and kill them within the duration of the stun, but theres a few higher skilled rogues out there who will kill you regardless of what you do. Lol this one time I was on the way to the efc, and I decided to stop by the zerker hut to grab the buff there, and curly sapped me and then ambushed me. I tried to stun him but he used arcane torrent as soon as he came out of stealth and I died before the silence ran out, I was like wtf wow....I didnt know it prevented hammer of justice at the time.

Just stick in a group as much as you can and you will amost never be attacked by any rogues who auctually pose a threat, the only ones who may decide to jump you most likely have 800 hp and are goblin or something, and then they die instantly from your teamates. If you create a macro, or better yet just download saysapped peaple will stop for you most of the time until it wears off, just remember to watch ur teamates as well, its easy to tell if they got sapped. This may slow you down with getting across mid, but theres no reason to get picked off one by one.
Fake kick, turn your back to avoid gouge = one feared rogue.

Dot up, re-fear and run
. usually the full duration of dots will kill any rogue without healz.

also soulburn > healthstone to boost hp etc etc

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