
I haven't played Deadvulcano much, but I have spent some time on a few alts recently doing both premades and pugs. Seems like the balance is a bit worse now.
Self Identified Alts:
- TuskyTim
- Rhaellia
- Ulfric
- verh
- Footman
- Bounce
- Shfthappens
- youakim
- ambasador
- Hue
- Infernal13
- Pookums
- Theurge
- jhari
- KevtheSlayer
- Garrett
[*]*DataMasked* - *DataMasked*
- *DataMasked*
- pinochet
If you wish to self identify just leave a post below stating your dead alt-hood. Or simply vote.
"Original" image:
April 1st is over in most places so here is the "original" image. It is a slightly outdated screenshot, but only one thing changed. The level 1 pally has been deleted and replaced with a warrior. I played several games of pugs and a few premade games. The balance now is mostly a joke compared to what f2p was last year.
Premades are fine, but still too easy. PuG's are coin flip matches.
The name blurring is also a reminder of gaming to come. Soon enough the battletag system will replace the names of characters to a unified handle, which is already live in D3 beta. At that point I'll be simply seen as Vulc, no matter which toon I'm on.
Hope some ppl enjoyed this thread

April 1st is over in most places so here is the "original" image. It is a slightly outdated screenshot, but only one thing changed. The level 1 pally has been deleted and replaced with a warrior. I played several games of pugs and a few premade games. The balance now is mostly a joke compared to what f2p was last year.
Premades are fine, but still too easy. PuG's are coin flip matches.
The name blurring is also a reminder of gaming to come. Soon enough the battletag system will replace the names of characters to a unified handle, which is already live in D3 beta. At that point I'll be simply seen as Vulc, no matter which toon I'm on.
Hope some ppl enjoyed this thread
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