Dat Dmg - Outland [A] - Level 85 twink guild


Hello there.

I want to inform all players currently twinking at, or going to be, an 85 twink, that our guild "Dat Dmg" is now accepting all players. We are a brand new twink guild located on Outland EU [A], with experienced leaders, in all aspects of the game.

We will do weekly event with gold prizes, heroic raiding, premade-bg's and more, possibly even MSV/HoF/Toes if we are able to get a group for it.

Your can check out our roster here

If you have any questions;

-Reply down below
-Ask Ðelario or Høn ingame
-Add One#2762 to real ID

Thanks for your time

Yours Sincerely
Ðelario, on behalf of Dat Dmg.

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