dagger rogue viable?


That One OG
dont have the gold for SFx2 but i have a old school rogue with gf'd gear and ABs out the ass. how viable would a backstab rogue be, would i be better off going mut?

thoughts and opinions, kgo
It can be good, you can get insane eviscerate crits and get combo points quite fast for mut. Mutilate ability dmg is quite low tho

idk about backstabs, I only use it to pop waylay, the dmg isnt that great
with all the trash in this bracket now backstab is better than ever.

really good burst damage with thistle tea.
any other opinions. tea is easy to come by for this rogue. also; hos difficult would it be to stay behind someone to spam backstab?
CIHC said:
any other opinions. tea is easy to come by for this rogue. also; hos difficult would it be to stay behind someone to spam backstab?

its pretty easy to get behind someone once you learn the right movements. might take little practice to get used to.
Read my argument when my rogues spec was talked about in curley's guide, it should explain everything. page 28
Would daggers be as useful as they were in the past when picking up zerk and soloing an fc or...?
The build you selected was okay aside from the assassin's blade, idk if you noticed but they got nerfed in cata, and are pretty garbage now compared to say... the wsg dagger or boa daggers.
Flagcarrier said:
The build you selected was okay aside from the assassin's blade, idk if you noticed but they got nerfed in cata, and are pretty garbage now compared to say... the wsg dagger or boa daggers.

or say... the quest daggers with pretty much the same stats and hit rating, but a bigger damage range?
Dagger rogue is very viable tbh, ive been playing my rogue on/off with dual dags and i like it cause i feel more like a rogue.

The other thing i like about dagger rogues is that u dont actually have to "save" energy to be able to gouge/kick someone due the high amount of energy that backstab requires (i know some of u like to spam SS).
Fanatic said:
Dagger's become viable after 48% crit,

your calculations were actually a bit off. i sent the maths to tresspasser and he informed me that daggers are in fact viable after 44.72% crit.

after that just focus on stacking hit and viable.
thanks for the information everyone. see you all im bg within a few weeks.
danceparty said:
your calculations were actually a bit off. i sent the maths to tresspasser and he informed me that daggers are in fact viable after 44.72% crit.

after that just focus on stacking hit and viable.

I wouldn't doubt daggers could be viable at a lower level of crit, however i'm not talking mediocrity i'm talking about being as viable and effective as a dual SF rogue.
I outdamage top BiS dual SF rogues as a backstab rogue all the time you just need to learn how to move correctly. If you are not experienced as a rogue or a melee class i wouldnt recommend it tho.

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