<Cthun is Harder than LK> 60 Twink Raiding / PvP Guild [Horde] [Ruin BG]



Cthun is Harder than LK> is a 60 Twink PvP / Raiding guild now recruiting!

Currently recruiting for AQ 40.

UPDATE: 10/13/2010

With the new 4.0.1 patch, pre-bc capped players now act as "xp-off" and can only fight other twinks. So if your an xp-off raider on a wrath account, you now have an active pvp community, kind of like the 19 bracket. Pre-bc accounts no longer provide the benefits of pvp'ing in a leveling environment, its all xp-off now.

Location: Zul'jin US Normal

Faction: Horde

Battlegroup: Ruin

Ventrilo: Yes

Guild bank: Yes

Guild website: http://cthun.guildomatic.com/

Current Members: 221

Raiding Schedule:

Friday - 8:30 pm server - 12:30 am server. (100% attendance expected)

Saturday - 8:30 pm server - 12:00 am server. (100% attendance expected. Saturdays are "Friday night clean ups")

Sunday - 7:30 or 8:00 pm server - 11 pm server. (90% attendance expected, Sundays are usually Molten Core Raids)

Loot System:

Our Guild runs an EPGP Loot system for distribution of gear. The addon 'epgp Lootmaster' is required to attend guild raids.

Link to addon: http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/epgp_lootmaster.aspx

PvP Premades:

Premades are usually Saturday around 3 or 4 pm server until whenever.

Guild progression:

AQ 20 - down

Zul'Gurub - down

Molten Core - down

BWL - 8/8

AQ 40 - 6/9

World Dragons:

Ysondre: down

Emeriss: down



Recruitment Status:

Rogues: Open

Hunters: Open

Mages: Open

Druids: Open

Death Knight: Closed

Shamans: Limited

Priest: Open

Warrior: Need 1-2 good tanks

Warlock: Open

Paladin: Open

What we do:

1. Guild Raid progression through level 60 content including both 20 and 40 man raids.

2. Que for AV, AB, WSG.

3. PvP Premades

4. World PvP

5. Gurubashi FFA's

6. Raid DPS Contests where the top dps on a boss will get gold.

7. Ruin 60 Twink Arena night on Wednesdays

8. Raid world dragons.


1. Deathknites are currently not allowed.

2. You must be level 60 or below to join. No one level 61 + is allowed.

3. You need to be active on your twink and log on a few times a week at minimum.

4. Show up for scheduled raids.

5. Have a mature attitude and if you do a raid without a guildy.

6. You MUST have ventrilo.

7. Every guildy is required to be attuned to both MC and BWL.

8. We allow BC socket gear, gems, and WotLK enchants because I do not want to limit the freedom of the players "play style"

9. You DO NOT need a Vanilla capped account to join, you may simply turn off XP in Orgrimmar War Room as of Patch 3.2. But having a capped account can provide slightly more benefits.

We currently are accepting all levels, and we reccomend setting up Recruit a Friend with a friend of yours, or one of our guildies to get super fast 60's.

Mul, I have a friend thats going to be doing RaF with me... We both wanted to do 60 twinks, I'm doing mine on a capped account, he is doing his on full blown expansionized account. Got any room for two more silly people ?
Yes we do have more room! :D

Oh and Grim, roll feral druid, I don't allow DK's to tank as they do not have the aggro capabilities to maintain bosses and adds at 60.
Grimthunder said:
I'd be willing to roll a Feral Druid if someone is interested in recruiting me and we can get an 80 (or two) to run us through dungeons since you can go 1-60 in under 20 hours like that.

ya i'll do it, but you have to buy the account.

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