critique my idea pl0x

What you have there is pretty good, just a a few things:

- You can only get +12 Agility on your cloak at this level

- Sacrificing some of the AP on your gear for hit (Until you hit 5%) is a good idea, so you don't miss any important attacks (Kick, Cheap Shot, Kidney Shot etc)

- Dagger specs at this level are pretty poor in my opinion, they dont give enough burst for the lack of control to be worth it. I would suggest going hemo.

Uhm, thats all I can think of now, this would be my personal perfect rogue: v6 ~ a World of Warcraft character planner

Also, Ishh's 39 rogue guide is pretty awesome and I recomend reading through it, it covers pretty much all areas.
Ha ha I have basically every piece of that on right now, my real rouge that is. It's nice but the AP and crit are lacking, I wasn't really sure how well back stab was in 39.


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