Creating 24 fury Warrior

Im wondering what would be BiS for weapons. Im thinking Beazel's Basher or the Power Hammer wiht Crusader on my MH then either mass of mcgown or thrashblade with pyrium weapon chain. Or Beazels and power hammer crusader/.15 strenght. or double crusader I need opinions on what BiS or if I should do a combination
I've seen fury warriors with 2H for huge white hits, but yeah going dual should be higher sustained dps. I'd probably go crusader MH and chain OH, but haven't calculated or tested to back it up, so just a hunch from me there.
If you are struggling to get hit cap (5% Ali, 7% horde) then get an Power Hammer and Beazles Basher(or 2 if you still need it) with Crusader + 15off/h for more Flat DPS. If you go Crusader and Weapon Chain then you lose some flat dps for an approx 18% hit rating which will mean you obviously make hit cap and your whites will almost never miss.

It all comes down to preference tho. On my warrior I use Basher w/Crusader and Power hammer w/+15 Str. and I make 7.15% hit rating and usually top 3 in Damage and DPS on recount.

Laxio @ Alexstrasza - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

My warrior if you are curious, All of the Armour(-Boots) are Alliance.

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