Cookie request


Im a bit bored and so i thought of something funny to do.

I was boosting my mate through Dead mines and when we got to cookie i said i wanted to try something. As you might know, He lobs GOOD food, and ROTTEN food at you, the good food gives you 30% haste each time, bad food does a little DoT. So i was on my 80 priest and stacked this good food 50 times, and got 1500% haste, which made everything insta cast. So i was just wandering if someone could make a video of their twink , with LOTS and LOTS of haste, and using AUTO ATTACK on cookie and seeing what Dps we can max out onto recount :)
hehe sounds like it could be pretty fun to watch. On my kitty it would make my white dps something like 750 dps, my rake tick 90 odd every 0.2 secs and my energy limitless. With a mangle every spare CD i make that 1305 dps. Schweet. Could probably get a fair amount higher in agi gear offence gear rather than my incomplete PuG gear ^^
Id do it myself using fraps, but never used fraps before and not sure what the quality is like :L

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