Considering making a new 19 for MoP but..


I haven't been in this side of the forums in a long time so I really have no clue what the future is going to be like.

1) How is the 19 bracket looking currently?
2) How is it gonna look in MoP? (assume)
3) Are hunters going to be nerfed?

that's all I really need to know. Thank you
my friend is thinkin about making a druid because they seem like they will b taking less nerfss and improving the most, but thats just "his" opinion, i personally will jus stick with my rogue or play 70s more :D
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my friend is thinkin about making a druid because they seem like they will b taking less nerfss and improving the most, but thats just "his" opinion, i personally will jus stick with my rogue or play 70s more :D

Indeed. I have a 19 druid (link in sig) but I forgot the account info or the account is banned (along with the 70 DK..sadly). I was thinking about making a ret paladin as they are ALWAYS fun. The only thing bothering me is the thought of getting picked off by 5 hunters in mid field which seems to be the reality of the bracket for a long time. And 70s will always be the best bracket IMO :p
1) Games are actually improving in quality, from what I've seen.

2) From what I understand, MoP will be for 19s as the shattering was for twinking :p Dedicated twinks will stick around, but the greater majority of most brackets will return to their max level toons and explore the newer aspects of the game.

3) I don't know, but whether they do or not, it won't stop people from re rolling whatever the new fotm will be :p
1. The bracket is extremely fun right now. My guild and I are having a blast.
2. MoP looks even more promising than right now. Lots of new and interesting changes are coming.
3. Hunter damage is being nerfed and they are also losing some abilities.
1. The bracket is extremely fun right now. My guild and i are having a blast.
2. Mop looks even more promising than right now. Lots of new and interesting changes are coming.
3. Hunter damage is being nerfed and they are also losing some abilities.
1: Its about the same as it has been for a while. It has its ups and downs, shitty games and face roll games too.

2: Several interesting things are being implemented in MOP. Firstly and what most people are excited for is the introduction of PVP power and defence. Most people speculate that pvp defence will act similar to resilience while (at least to my knowledge) pvp power is still up in the air. There are other changes/nerfs/buffs/etc that will change the bracket up enough to keep even the elite players active. The one that I am most concerned about is intellect no longer giving mana, a change that if correct will drastically change certain caster classes (most healers are going to be getting a 400% mana pool increase thankfully).

3. Hunter damage is apparently supposed to be nerfed along with them losing wing clip. I have also heard that concussive shot was being made into an arcane shot glyph meaning they lose that aswell.


1) same as always, just depends on what side your on at the time.
2) should change things up enough to keep everyone interested.
3) hunters wont be as dumb.
1. The bracket is extremely fun right now. My guild and I are having a blast.
2. MoP looks even more promising than right now. Lots of new and interesting changes are coming.
3. Hunter damage is being nerfed and they are also losing some abilities.

Lol by the bracket having fun, you mean Alliance getting farmed by Horde, and Horde are having fun cause they are winning, and getting HKs for their titles. Good one Pizza.

1: WT still gy farms alliance to make themselves feel good
2: It looks good for nerfing some classes and buffing others
3: Hunters are getting a good nerf to their damage, and they lose raptor strike and wing clip
1) The bracket is very active. There are pops at all times except for very late night and very early morning. The community is at a high point right now.
2) MoP looks hopeful. The bracket should theoretically be less bursty.
3) It looks like hunters will be more in tune.


I really enjoy the current state of the bracket!
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1. The bracket is extremely fun right now. My guild and I are having a blast.
2. MoP looks even more promising than right now. Lots of new and interesting changes are coming.
3. Hunter damage is being nerfed and they are also losing some abilities.

Glad you are having fun farming...
concussive still showing a level 8 skill as of now

hunters are losing:
-melee weapons and the stats from them, bows are getting slightly buffed, but appears still a huge stat loss for hunters
-wingclip (melee)
-raptor strike (melee)
-15% stam bonus from surv tree, this is huge
-pet "kill command" will be BM spec only at level-10
-intimidation (pet stun BM spec) moved to 20

-point blank shooting, not as gimped if CD is blown now and no more mages standing on rooted hunters toes free ranging
-5% AP (was 10 on BETA, got cut)
-eagle eye
-3 good talent choices: DE with 60% speed sprint, DE with 8 sec netting of all within 8yds, DE 10 sec CD reduction

overall the stam, agi, crit, hit, loss is huge for hunters compared to other classes losing wands, thrown/ranged weapons, and libram/relics.

for instance a caster in 19 is losing a wand that has 2 stam, 2int, 2 hit is rather small, this does not compare to a hunter losing 25 agi, and rest of the stats depending on weapon choice. in MOP so far 19 bows like Bow of Ire - Item - World of Warcraft is only gaining 4 agi, 5 stam, 3 crit
interesting shanker... I can't wait to play my fully geared resto druid in MoP :)

the bracket is doing well right now and the future looks promising.

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