Complete Druid Guide


1: Introduction
A) Purpose of this guide
This guide started when I wanted to create a new druid. I wanted this druid to have BiS gear for all specs or as close to it as I could come. I needed a place to centralize all the information I had acquired and thus the guide was born. Hopefully this guide will also be helpful to you!

B) Acknolagements
This guide would not have been possible without many great resources already present on TI so I want to thank those people for their hard work.
- Arberian's Feral Druid Guide
- Gaurdian Druid discusion
- Lil's Scaling index
- CharDev

C) Links
Additional links here

D) Corrections and Caveats
I welcome any corrections or suggestions as long as they are constructive and delivered in a grown-up manner. Especially in regards to Alliance gear choices as I play mostly Horde.

E) Change Log
Feb 9 2014 - Patch 5.4 - Initial version
1: Feral
Note: In many ways this will look like Arberian's guide. Go check it out. I have some minor differences of opinion and I've condensed some of the discussion from the comments on his guide into this one to make it easier to read.
A) Basics
Get savage roar up as soon as possible.
If I'm against a squishy I tend to put it up with 1-2 combo points to get to my 5pt Bite as soon as possible. Which leads to...

When using Ferocious Bite, make sure to pool 50 energy.
I've done it too. Been low on energy with 5 points and just wanted to BITE that priest. But if you spam it and bite at 25 energy you're missing out on a ton of damage. Be patient and use a 50 focus bite unless you KNOW you're going to get the kill without it. Ferocious bite also has 25% increased chance to crit if your target is bleeding.

If you're going to die anyway
Get a HoT on your teammate or a bleed on an enemy. I can't tell you how many times my bleeds have killed a target after I'm already dead. It's as satisfying to me as it is maddening to the schmuck-of-a-rogue who decided to jump me.

B) Pros/Cons
Very mobile (Charge is so versatile!)
Has stealth (Great for choosing your fights)
Decent utility with Roots + Hot
Incredibly fun
Pretty squishy outside of Bear form
Not much upfront burst. Damage takes a long time to get rolling.

C1) Gear
(Items better to worse from left to right. Opinon based in some cases. * = Read notes at bottom of list when planning your toon.)
Lucky Fishing Hat Eyepatch *(A)
Sentinel's Medallion (A) Scout's Medallion (H)
Shadowfang Spaulders* Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders*
Stained Shadowcraft Tunic
Satchel Cloak of the Bandit
Bands of Serra'kis Black Wolf Bracers
Naga Battle Gloves
Satchel Belt of the Bandit





C2) Gear Notes
*Taking Eyepatch will cause you to miss out on Riot Stick which is BiS Weapon for aliance.
*Taking Shadowfang Spaulders from quest will keep you from having Sandals of Sacrifice for Boomkin/Resto gear.

D) Matchups

E) Vidoes

Last edited by a moderator:
2: Balance
A) Basics

B) Pros/Cons

C) Gear

D) Matchups

E) Vidoes
Last edited by a moderator:
3: Resto
A) Basics

B) Pros/Cons

C) Gear

D) Matchups

E) Vidoes
Last edited by a moderator:
4: Gaurdian
A) Basics

B) Pros/Cons

C) Gear

D) Matchups

E) Vidoes
Last edited by a moderator:

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