Community Leaders

Purple Names?! What's this?

Very shortly you will be to seeing more people with purple names floating around the Twink Info forums. Up to now, we've had just the blogging team equipped with purple font, but they have now been joined by a new group called "Community Leaders". These are members that the staff regard as exemplary members that know their facts and are well knowledgeable of the TI Code of Conduct. It will be their responsibility to aid the moderating staff in keeping the forums clean, offer a faster reaction to daily problems and generally make the forums a better place to be. You will be able to see who the Community Leaders are and to whom it is best to address your issues by viewing The moderating team in the community index.

Up to now you will be probably wondering what it is exactly that these guys will be able to do. Well, other than their basic ability to provide high value posts, they will be able to hide both threads and posts that they deem as inappropriate. They will then be required to report their actions to higher-ups so that a moderator can decide the proper way of action. We could have just promoted a whole host of new moderators and left it at that, but inevitably each moderator has a slightly different style to his work and having too many of them would definitely cause no good. We don't want you guys to feel like you're walking on eggshells - we fully trust and support each and every one of our current moderators and this seems like a great way to lift some weight off their shoulders, which trust me is quite a lot, without having to hand out unmonitored monitoring power(see what i did there?)!
If you think yourself or someone else is capable of helping the community and you have a good post record back you up, then please let us know. Send us a short cover letter explaining why you think the candidate is fit for the role and we will most definitely consider it. For the time being, we will be appointing just one or two community leaders to help us test the system and once that has been done, more applicants will be promoted.​

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sax for 19 twink community leader!
I'm beginning to find this idea extremely distasteful...

At first, I saw things through an admin's point of view and the whole concept sounded just right; mods get weight off their shoulders, faster response to problems and its free - good going whoever thought of this, seriously! Having seen the rank in action as a casual member having good time, which is what regard myself as before anything else in here, my opinion for the rank reached the extreme opposite end.

I find that the term "Hall Monitors" can point out the faults I see in the rank rather effectively. Even though the monitors do indeed help preserve the community clean and make the job for teachers easier, other than the big fat headmaster, no one really likes them - do they? At least in my eyes, the image of the community leader, a person who helps run the forums voluntarily, slowly starts to disintegrate down to a repulsive teenager who has his first go with limited authority, ruining the brake for the couple making out silently out of sight in the car park. Yes you did good, telling the guy to pick up his trash - yes you did good reporting the fight, yes you did good taking the smoke off me but the thing is, we're all going to hate you for those things.

This is just my opinion and the way community leaders reflect in my eyes - and I still cant tell if its because of the rank itself or the way test subjects have being going on about. Whether the big cheeses decide to take the scheme further or even shut it down I'd like to warn people applying for the rank...

"Be a Community Member before anything else, don't abuse power or act smarter than before, otherwise you're just a Jerk!

TheGameSupply said:
It was my idea initially although what I proposed was for people who were already technically being "Community Leaders" promoted to that particular bracket of their expertise-keeping it personal and friendly with people who were already respected in the particular bracket(s) they play in and were well known. I proposed it this way so we could also have them take the lead, (w/in their bracket), of promoting activities, organizing video content, and in general just keeping the peace-something that some of them already do. We just wanted to empower them to do it better.

I agree that a "Hall Monitor" isn't a particularly good thing for either party involved and shouldn't be viewed as such although you'll need to talk to your staff about what in particular your experience was that put you off on the idea.

I'll talk to the staff here about revisiting the idea and implementing it differently to be less "police" like and more guidance like. The idea initially was to have 2, (max 3) people per bracket that were already guild leaders or community leaders, well respected and active, and give them authority to do basic moderating such as hiding truly belligerent and disrespected posts, spam, and that sort of thing. Not to be viewed as Hall Monitors nor cause them a huge workload that would make their time here less enjoyable-but just the opposite by providing them the means to sort out issues on their own.

Edit: Actually, these were my thoughts on it-see if we can't revisit the idea to make it a more personal situation with Community Leaders, (Hall Monitors!) and the community at large.

I think I like you, you've got the right idea. Finding the right people is always gonna be the challenge, but w/e.


Zedd's dead baby

Zedd's dead.....
From my point of view, i was hated before being given this rank, and i'm even more hated after. Several people dislike the fact that i can " hide " and they believe i can do this on my own regard which is not the case, i have to make a report before every post i hide and i have to bring up a motivation on why i have done so. It's not like i can just run around the forums removing whatever does not fit me. The 70's section is where i play as most of you already know and the forums are a complete war, we have about 4-5 threads being done daily on " the best " players who always turn into a flame war, the positive now is that i can lock them as soon as they get out of hand instead of having to annoy Kore and Ink with countless reports.

I do not mind being hated for keeping the forums a little bit more clean, my main objective is to help the comunity, if i have to be seen as an annoying " police " man ill just try to ignore it and keep on doing my job.

- Nesy
About time I get my own title, and everything will be perfect on this website =) hehe
From my point of view, i was hated before being given this rank, and i'm even more hated after. Several people dislike the fact that i can " hide " and they believe i can do this on my own regard which is not the case, i have to make a report before every post i hide and i have to bring up a motivation on why i have done so. It's not like i can just run around the forums removing whatever does not fit me. The 70's section is where i play as most of you already know and the forums are a complete war, we have about 4-5 threads being done daily on " the best " players who always turn into a flame war, the positive now is that i can lock them as soon as they get out of hand instead of having to annoy Kore and Ink with countless reports.

I do not mind being hated for keeping the forums a little bit more clean, my main objective is to help the comunity, if i have to be seen as an annoying " police " man ill just try to ignore it and keep on doing my job.

- Nesy

See, you're who I think of when I hear "hall monitor". Read what game supply posted, your first thought should be promoting the community. Post hiding is secondary.


You guys may want to rethink your "community leaders" since so far I have yet to see one chosen who is actually a leader.
See, you're who I think of when I hear "hall monitor". Read what game supply posted, your first thought should be promoting the community. Post hiding is secondary.


You guys may want to rethink your "community leaders" since so far I have yet to see one chosen who is actually a leader.

I am trying to promote the comunity, but when i have about 4-5 threads each day about people insulting each other there is not much i can do if not hide posts all day, i'v tried wile not being CL to get them to resolve problems in a mature way and it did not turn out.

I dont have an easy forum to keep track off to be honest, come visit us and see what am talking about.

Wile if you think i'm just a " hall monitor" than that's your point of view, mine is that i'm actually spending a lot of time trying to improve the comunity's viability in a positive and clean up way getting more people to join since the atmosphere turns out to be more friendly.

- Nesy
To be fair to everyone, there are specific brackets where flaming and pointless QQ is overflowing.

70s has so many players that they cant possibly know each other well, leading to repeated posts and misbehaving - in such cases heavily monitoring posts is the way to go... Why dont you put up some kind of message restricting 'best player' threads?
To be fair to everyone, there are specific brackets where flaming and pointless QQ is overflowing.

70s has so many players that they cant possibly know each other well, leading to repeated posts and misbehaving - in such cases heavily monitoring posts is the way to go... Why dont you put up some kind of message restricting 'best player' threads?

Simply cause a thread having the purpose of prooving that X player is better than Y player will most likely result in a hate war.

X has friends who vote for X and think that Y is bad.

Y has friends who vote for Y and think that X is bad.

The result is X friends hating Y friends and viceversa wile the rest of the comunity who could not care less get's involved in 3 pages of hate towards each other.

This is just a simple example.
Even in how one deals with "best of" threads is a matter of interpretation and philosophy. Some people love participating in best of threads because they are entertaining and are an excellent example of community expression and involvement.

Not trying to tell people how to judge threads, but to just keep in mind that sometimes the best means of advocating for and helping a community grow is by leaving it to itself and letting the community converse in a manner that they see fit.
Even in how one deals with "best of" threads is a matter of interpretation and philosophy. Some people love participating in best of threads because they are entertaining and are an excellent example of community expression and involvement.

Not trying to tell people how to judge threads, but to just keep in mind that sometimes the best means of advocating for and helping a community grow is by leaving it to itself and letting the community converse in a manner that they see fit.

Absolutely, sadly the 70's forums do not have this as purpose, but rather the purpose of trying to set people on top of the rest of the comunity which is bad in so many ways that i wont even go thru them.

I do understand the overall position and i do keep in mind that i want to be a part of the comunity and not a " police " man for the comunity, this said, di believe that we can do well and help keeping everything a bit more beautifull to read doing a small background work.
I personally think this is a pretty good thing but must be changed a little.

First of all, it shouldn't get Community Leader that's it. I think it would be more appropriated to have each community it's specific leader.

Someone that is a great poster in the 70s community, might be totally clueless about the 10-14 community. So I think it's to much power for someone that has been a good poster to have the power to hide thread in every section of this website.
I personally think this is a pretty good thing but must be changed a little.

First of all, it shouldn't get Community Leader that's it. I think it would be more appropriated to have each community it's specific leader.

Someone that is a great poster in the 70s community, might be totally clueless about the 10-14 community. So I think it's to much power for someone that has been a good poster to have the power to hide thread in every section of this website.

That's why you will probably not see me in the 10-14 comunity and or any bracket up to 70's

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