Classic Era Community Twink Discord

Just thought I'd give this a free bump.

WSG games have not happened since Official HC launched. However, we had a whole summer of nightly WSG games.

Atm, a few of us are still active on our 19s and are gathered up on Whitemane (NA). There's an Alliance and Horde guild. You can see the details in the Discord link above.

Every night, on Alliance, we gather in Stonetalon for a few hours and bully many levelers. Era is absolutely blooming right now, so Stonetalon has a BUNCH of Horde levelers. In a full evening of wpvp you can easily reach over 70 kills. Every night. These fights/kills aren't all just facerolls either. You can often find yourself in a fight against 4-5 people who rallied up against you and your buds. Ya sure we get crashed by 60s once in a while, but its easy to avoid/escape (we try not to grief people 3+ times if they clearly don't want to fight).

I've done tons of wpvp in the past and I have to admit this is some of the most fun fights I've had to date.

We are currently working on getting pops going again too :)

These were all taken this week (day before reset, hence my title upgrade).

Emphasis on the chatbox. Can't see all of it, 13 kills in 1 engagement, lasting 2 minutes. I WAS SCREAMING.

That fight started off as a 1v1, and quickly became a 1v7. We were overrun.
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